Saturday, September 11, 2010

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Return of VAT to foreign tourists

The Irish company Premier Tax Free won a tender issued by the AFIP and became the second providing the service for the refund of Value Added Tax (VAT) for purchases by tourists Argentina.

The service that the company is the return of up to 16 points from VAT for orders up to $ 70 which, in the case of the Irish company, is done automatically when will guide the process of purchase through the terminals that company installed in shops.

Since the company explained to the Buenos Aires Economic morning that the amount of VAT returns is set on a table prepared by the AFIP, which varies by purchase amount and type of product concerned.

The Premier Tax Free strategy aims to put in all the shops that have a reasonable number of foreign tourists visiting the refund system of the VAT.

The company also proposes extending the benefit to businesses throughout the country, with special emphasis on those that are located in major tourist destinations within the country.

Up time, the company provided its services exclusively to businesses located in the ABC1 segment.

Since it began to provide service in our country, a decade ago, was the only company that provides Global Refund, because it established the basis of the competition.

Completed the closure period, the AFIP opened the bidding and only put his signature Irish proposal.

Premier Tax Free was founded in 1985 in Ireland. It is one of the largest companies in the service tax refund. It has presence in 25 countries and employs more than 90,000 participating merchants. Over 2.1 million tourists, according to the report Company published by the daily-made transactions around the world with its VAT refund system.

service Premier Tax Free is free for participating merchants who are on loan POS terminal for conducting operations . And every member of the local network and will receive financial incentives to a wide range of technology options for processing transactions without manually filling forms. DISPOSITION