RESOLUTION (UIF) 25/2011 Technical and Professional Standards.
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
information registered professionals whose activities are regulated by professional boards economics. Rules
Standard Date: 19/01/2011
Gazette: 21/01/2011
Agency: Financial Intelligence Unit
Jurisdiction: National Opinion
: 25/2011
Court: Part / s: Room: Date: 19/01/2011
The registry file is 3230/2010 FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT, as provided by law 25246 (BO: 10.5.2000) and amendments, the provisions of the decree 290/2007 (BO 29/03/2007) and amended, and Resolution 3 / 2004 (OG: 22.06.2004) issued by the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT and amendments and
That Article 20, and modifying Law 25246 determines obligated to report to the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT, pursuant to Article 21 of the Code.
That the above-mentioned Article 21, subparagraph a) establishes the obligations that will be presented to subjects specified in Article 20, as well as the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT shall fix the term and how shall archive all information . That,
Moreover, article 21 paragraph b), last paragraph of the Law 25246 and its amendments, provides that the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT shall establish, by objective standards, methods, opportunities and limits of performance of the obligation to report suspicious transactions to each category and type of activity required.
That in this sense, the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT is empowered to issue directives and instructions that must comply and implement the obligors, as provided in Article 14, paragraph 10) and in Article 21 a) and b) of the Law 25246, as amended.
That Article 14, paragraph 7) of Law 25246 and its amendments provides that the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT is empowered to provide for the implementation of internal control systems for individuals referred to in Article 20, where regulations and procedures as specified.
That Article 24 of Law 25246 and its amendments provides for an administrative penalty regime to apply to any breach of the duties of information to the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT.
That Article 20 provides as obligated to report, in paragraph 17) to licensed professionals whose activities are regulated by professional boards of economics under Law 20 488 (BO: dated 23/07/1973) which governs its use.
That the decree regulating Law 25246 and its amendments provides that the purpose of carrying out the internal control systems FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT, establish procedures for monitoring, supervision and inspection "in situ" the fulfillment of obligations for all the persons mentioned in Article 20 of that regulation.
That Article 20 of Decree 290/2007 and amend has defined the responsibilities of legal persons and public and made mandatory appointment of compliance officers. That
Article 21 of Decree 290/2007 and amend the definition established client and the minimum requirements to obtain from them.
That Article 20 of Decree 290/2007 and as amended, empowers the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT determine the procedure and timing of which should be obligated to hold in your duty to report specified by Article 20 of Law 25246 and amendments.
That Article 21 of Decree 290/2007 and amend has set a minimum term of the record-keeping of five (5) years, must register it sufficiently so that it can rebuild.
The complexity and dynamic of the subject under study, coupled with advances in technology used by those who offend in this matter, makes the purpose of improving and deepening the fight against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing bearing necessary to update the existing resolutions.
That the Director of Legal Affairs of the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT has taken appropriate action within its jurisdiction.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Law 25246, as amended, after consultation with the Advisory Council of the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT.
Object Article 1 - This resolution is intended to establish measures and procedures that regulated entities must observe to prevent, detect and report the facts, acts, transactions or omissions that may come from the commission of the crime of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.
Definitions Article 2 - For the purposes of this resolution shall apply:
a) Customer-Any natural or legal persons with which it provides, on a casual or permanent, a contractual relationship of a professional . In this meaning a customer who requires professional services, occasional or usual manner obligated, as stipulated in Decree 290/2007, as amended.
b) Politically Exposed Persons: Refers to Politically Exposed Persons covered by the decision of the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT force in that area.
c) Systematic Reports: is the information they are obliged to submit the required subjects, or their respective professional advice of economics that govern their activities, the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT on a monthly basis for first and second quarterly, by system "On line" in accordance with the obligations laid down in Articles 14, paragraph 1) and 21 paragraph a) of Law 25246 and amendments, on schedule, type of information and details of which are issued timely.
d) Unusual Transactions: those tempted or completed operations in isolation or settled without economic justification and / or legal, who are unrelated to económicofinanciero customer profile, deviating from the customs in market practices, either frequency, usual amount, complexity, nature and / or characteristics.
e) Suspicious: those tempted operations or made to previously identified as having unusual, then the analysis and evaluation made by the obligated, they are not related to lawful activities declared by the client, causing suspicion of money laundering or even in the case of operations related to lawful activities there is suspicion that they are related or are to be used for the Financing of Terrorism.
f) Owner / Beneficiary: refers to individuals who are at least twenty percent (20%) of the capital or voting rights of a legal person or other means to exercise ultimate control, direct or indirect effect on a person legal.
g) Subject obligation: means obligated to the following licensed professionals whose activities are regulated by the Professional Councils in Economic Sciences, 20488 under the law regulating its exercise:
1) Independent professionals who individually or acting in the form of Professional Associations as set out in Articles 5 and 6 of Law 20488, carrying out the activities referred to in Chapter III, paragraph B, point 2 (Corporate Trustee), technical resolutions 7 and 15 respectively Federation of Professional Councils in Economic Sciences, when such activities are provided to The following natural persons or legal entities:
A - A those specified in Article 20 of Law 25246 and amendments or;
B - not being contained in that article, according to audited financial statements:
i) have a assets exceeding $ 3,000,000 (THREE MILLION PESOS), or;
ii) has doubled its assets or sales in a period of one (1) year, according to information from the audited financial statements.
2) Independent professionals providing the service of preparing the tax returns of the following individuals:
A - set out in Article 20 of Law 25246 and amendments or;
B - while not stated in that article, according to audited financial statements:
i) have an asset in excess of $ 3,000,000 (THREE MILLION PESOS), or;
ii ) has doubled its assets or sales in a period of one (1) year, according to information from the audited financial statements.
For the professional it is organized and professional the company is obligated, in the case of audit and corporate receivership, the registered professional signing the relevant report and, in the case of a tax advisory service for which not necessary to issue a report, who has the care of the service. CHAPTER II
Prevention Policy Section 3 - For the purposes of proper performance of its obligations under Article 21 a) and b) of Law 25246 and amendments, the obligated party must adopt a policy of preventative Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, in accordance with the legal and professional force. It must include at least:
a) The development of a manual containing procedures and mechanisms for the prevention of money laundering and Financing of Terrorism, which will see the particular type of service provided in accordance with the provisions of this standard and professional standards Professional Councils issued Economics thereon;
b) Staff training;
c) Development of a written record of risk analysis and management of suspicious transactions reported. The register is protected by the provisions of Article 22 of Law 25246 and its amendments;
d) The implementation of technological tools commensurate with the nature of their service, enabling them to establish an effective control systems and prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing;
Procedures Manual 4 - The manual of procedures for prevention Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism should address the particular requirements in this regard established the standards they adopt the Professional of Economics, respecting at least the following:
a) coordinated control policies;
b) Policies prevention;
c) In the case of audit services and syndication corporate, the functions of the audit and internal control procedures designed to prevent the establishment of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing;
d) Functions that every professional must comply with each of the control mechanisms of prevention ;
e) training systems;
f) Policies and procedures of record keeping;
g) The process for addressing requests for information made by the competent authority;
h) Methodology and Criteria to analyze and evaluate information to detect unusual or suspicious transactions and the procedure for reporting thereof;
i) Development and description of other mechanisms that the obligated party considers conducive to preventing and detecting money laundering operations and Financing of Terrorism;
procedural manual
Article 5 - The Manual procedures must be constantly updated and available debiéndose written record of its receipt and read by all employees. It should also always remain available to the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT. Mechanism for Conflict Prevention
Article 6 - Without prejudice to the particular requirements in this regard established professional standards issued the Professional of Economics, the subject must have at least the following functions:
a) Design and implement and control procedures, commensurate with the nature of the service provided, to prevent, detect and report transactions that may be linked to the crime of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing;
b) Design and implement training policies and professional employees of accounting firm members;
c) Ensure compliance with policies and procedures implemented to prevent, detect and report transactions that may be linked to crimes of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing;
d) Analyze the transactions to detect any suspicious transactions to the extent established by rules adopted by the respective Professional Councils in Economic Sciences;
e) Formulate systematic reporting of suspicious transactions in accordance with the provisions the present resolution;
f) Keep a record of transactions as suspicious of money laundering or terrorist financing reported;
g) To comply with the requisitions made by the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT exercising their legal powers.
h) Monitor compliance with legal and professional regulations in force regarding Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing;
i) Ensure adequate storage and custody of documents concerning the operations,
j) Develop an internal record of non-cooperative countries and territories with the TASK FORCE INTERNATIONAL FINANCE. The same must be constantly updated;
k) Pay special attention to new types of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing to be issued by the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT or FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP for the purpose of establishing measures that are commensurate with the nature of service provided aimed to prevent, detect and report transactions that may be linked to them.
Training Program 7 - The obligors shall develop a training program for professional employees in the prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, covering:
a) The dissemination of this resolution and its amendments, as well as information on techniques and methods for preventing, detecting and reporting suspicious transactions;
b) Attendance at courses, at least once a year, which dealt among other things, the policy content Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism. CHAPTER III
Identification Policy Article 8 - The obligors shall, as provided in Article 21 subsection a) of Law 25246 and its amendments, develop and observe a customer identification and customer knowledge, whose minimum shall comply with this resolution.
Bundle Customer ID
Article 9 - The obligors shall prepare a dossier for each customer identification, stating the documents that show compliance with the requirements of this resolution.
the file should also contain information on those operations that, depending on the type of service it provides the obligated and particular requirements under the standards they adopt the Professional Councils in Economic Sciences and according to the work has been incorporated to the sample, when it exceeds the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS ($ 50,000) in either a single act or by the reiteration of facts linked together.
The file must be updated at least annually, must constantly reflect the customer profile. Data
to require
Individuals Article 10 - The obligors shall obtain a reliable way, at least in the case of clients who are natural persons the following information:
a) Full Name;
b) Date and place of birth;
c) nationality;
d) Sex;
e) Marital status;
f) Number and type of identity document to be displayed in original. Be accepted as valid documents to prove identity, national identity, civic Book, Book of Enrollment or passport;
g) Cuil (unique key identification work), CUIT (Tax Identification unique key) or CDI (identification key);
h) real address (street address, city, province and postal code);
i) Phone number and email address ;
j) Occupation, trade, industry, commerce, etc. that constitutes its core activity, indicating clearly whether the quality is of Politically Exposed Person;
k) any supporting documentation in order to establish its financial position. Data
to require
Legal Persons Article 11 - The obligors shall determine how reliable, at least in the case of clients who are legal persons:
a) Company name;
b) Date and number of registration;
c) CUIT (Tax Identification unique code) or CDI (code identification);
d) Date of contract or articles of association;
e) Certified copy of current bylaws, subject to the original display;
f) Legal residence (street address, city, province and code post);
g) Number of your seat, email address and principal activity performed;
h) Records certified the decision-making body appointing authorities, legal representatives, agents and / or authorized use of corporate signature;
i) Details identifying the authorities, the legal representative, guardian or authorized use of firm, operating on behalf of the legal person, client obligated under items a) j) of Article 10;
j) Copy of last audited balance sheet by chartered accountant and certified by the Council of Economic Sciences, as appropriate, the to be updated annually;
Data to require public agencies
Article 12 - Obligated shall be required, at least in the case of clients that are public bodies:
a) A certified copy of the administrative act of the custom officer designation;
b) Number and type of official identity document to be displayed in original. Be accepted as valid documents to prove identity, national identity, or Book Book Civic Enrollment;
c) real address (street address, city, province and postal code) of officer;
d) CUIT ( Tax ID unique key), legal address (street address, city, province and postal code) and your reliance on the official exercise of functions. Data
require the representatives
13 - require information to an agent, guardian, conservator or legal representative shall be analogous to that applied to the customer and in turn submit the relevant power, which discards the character invoked in a duly certified copy. Special Assumptions
14 - The same precautions recommended for legal persons will be needed in case of Joint Ventures, associations of business cooperation, cooperative consortiums, trusts, mutual funds, associations, foundations and other entities.
global AML Program
Article 15 - The obligors shall, within the framework of professional tasks to develop in accordance with GAAP, designed and built to a comprehensive anti-money laundering procedures to detect unusual or suspicious transactions, from an adequate knowledge of each of its customers, whereas in all cases the general pattern of the present resolution and the particular requirements arising from the rules that dictate the Professional Councils in Economic Sciences in this regard.
Annual Report Article 16 - For professionals provide external audit services or receivership Subjects included in Article 20 of Law 25246 and its amendments shall review the compliance of these entities from the rules issued by the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT, and related rules issued by the respective Professional Councils in Economic Sciences for obligated each category and according to the type of activity. To this effect should be made revisions to the existence and operation of internal control procedures designed for this purpose by issuing a special report on an annual basis. Opinions
Issue 17 - In case of external audit services provide or syndicate shall record in its opinions that took place procedures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, for this purpose may refer to the standards they adopt the Professional Councils in Economic Sciences to give effect to this resolution. Assumptions
Enhanced Identification Procedure
Article 18 - The obligors shall strengthen customer identification procedure in the following cases:
a) Alleged acting on behalf of others: when there are doubts about whether acting on behalf of clients own or where it is certain that not acting on their own, the obligors shall take reasonable additional measures in order to obtain information about the true identity of the person on whose behalf they act clients (beneficiary / owner and / or customer);
b) Business / display vehicle: Obligated parties should pay particular attention when individuals use to people legal and front companies for their operations. In these cases, the obligors shall have reasonable additional procedures that reveal the structure of society, identify the source of their funds and identify the owners, beneficiaries and those who exercise real control of the legal person;
c) Owner / Beneficiary: In the event that the owners beneficiaries have at least twenty percent (20%) subjects required additional procedures must have reasonable that reveal the structure of society, identify the source of their funds and identify the owners, beneficiaries and those who exercise real control of the legal person.
d) Trusts: In these cases, the identification must include the trustees, settlors, beneficiaries and trustees;
e) Transactions distance: subject to the general requirements mentioned in this resolution, the obligors shall implement procedures reasonable additional to offset the increased risk of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, when establishing business relations or conducting transactions with customers that have not been physically present for identification. You should avoid professional assistance applications remotely while you can not make a direct and permanent contact with the customer and when you can not get a proper understanding of it.
f) Politically Exposed Persons: In the event that the operation involving a Politically Exposed Person, obligated parties shall adopt the measures contained in the resolution of the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT force in that area;
g) Operations and relations made with persons or countries that do not apply or insufficiently apply the recommendations of the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP: obligated to pay special attention to transactions with persons or countries that do not apply or insufficiently apply the recommendations of the TASK FORCE INTERNATIONAL FINANCE.
When these transactions have no apparent economic or lawful cause, shall be considered and reflected the results in writing, which shall be made available to the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT. For these purposes should be considered as non-cooperative countries or territories listed by the FINANCIAL ACTION TASK FORCE INTERNATIONAL (
h) Persons Included in the List of Terrorists: obligated to pay special attention when the operation or attempted terrorist involving persons or funds, goods or other assets that are owned or controlled (directly or indirectly) by such people. With regard to this provision should be addressed to the list of terrorists published by the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP on its website, and shall observe the provisions of existing legislation on the subject.
Customer Insight 19 - The KYC policy must include criteria, policies and procedures that include at least:
a) An analysis of changes in the operations carried out by customers in relation to information obtained in previous opportunity of service;
b) The determination of the profile of each customer transaction;
c) The identification of transactions that deviate from the profile of each customer transaction.
Transactional Client Profile
Article 20 - The transaction profile should be based on information provided by the customer and the amount, type, nature and frequency of operations normally performed by clients, as well as the source and destination resources involved with knowledge of employees. Conservation
Article 21 - Under the provisions of Article 21 subsection a) of Law 25246 and as amended and its implementing decree, obligated should be retained to serve as evidence in any investigation into field of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the last audit report or receivership or the date of termination of service of preparing tax returns, the following documents:
a) For customer identification, copies of documents required.
b) In respect of transactions or operations-both domestic and international, or copies of original documentation and working papers of the work of the professional acting.
c) The registration of the analysis of suspicious transactions reported.
22 - The obligations arising from this chapter, may not be delegated to parties outside the obligated. CHAPTER IV
systematic reporting. INFORMATION OF ARTICLE 21 PARAGRAPH A) of Law 25246 and amendments
Systematic 23 - The obligors or respective Professional Councils in Economic Sciences that regulate their activity, must notify the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT information as established in Article 14, paragraph 1) and 21 paragraph a) of Law 25246 and its amendments in digital format, up to fifteen (15) of each month or next business day after, if this fall working day.
systematic reporting system shall enter into force, according to the schedule to be determined and shall be made through the media and format for this purpose shall promptly FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT. CHAPTER V
Suspicious Transaction Report
Article 24 - Obligated parties must report, as stipulated in Article 21 paragraph b) of Law 25246 and amendments, those operations unusual, according to the fitness required depending on the activity performed and the analysis, consider suspected of money laundering or terrorism financing.
should be especially valued, the following circumstances, as described without limitation:
a) The amounts, types, frequency and nature of operations customers to conduct unrelated to the background and the economic activity of them
b) The unusually high amounts, complexity and unusual patterns of transactions carried out by customers;
c) When similar transactions nature, amount, type or concurrency, to believe that it is a fractional operation for the purpose of avoiding the application of screening procedures and / or reporting of operations;
d) Gain or loss on continuing operations repeatedly between the same parties;
f) When customers refuse to provide information or documents required by the subject required or when it detects that the information provided by them is found to be false or is altered;
g) When customers try to avoid complying with these regulations or other laws applicable to the subject;
h) When providing clues to the origin, handling or illegal destination of the funds used in operations for which the obligated party does not have an explanation;
i) When the client shows an unusual disregard for the risks taken and / or transaction costs incompatible with the economic profile of the same;
j) When operations involving countries or jurisdictions considered "Tax havens" or identified as non-cooperative by the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP;
k) Where there is the same address at the top of different legal entities or individuals when they revistieren the character of authorized and / or guardians in different people ideal existence, and he has economic or legal reason for it, taking special consideration as one of the companies or organizations are located in tax havens and their principal activity is the operative "off shore".
l) arises from the external audit or receivership of subjects included in Article 20 of Law 25246 and amendments that they have not complied with the standards set by the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT.
m) if the performance is noticed the presence of:
1. Assets given as security to entities that operate internationally in countries or areas considered uncooperative tax havens by the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP, to reach twenty percent (20%) of total assets of the entity.
2. The formation of companies or trusts with no apparent commercial purpose or otherwise.
3. The use of financial advisors or otherwise to include their names as directors or representatives, with little or no participation in the business.
4. Purchase / sale of securities in unusual circumstances in connection with the operation that is the purpose of being, in amounts that totaled reach twenty percent (20%) of net sales for the year.
5. Business application efforts internationally in countries or areas considered uncooperative tax havens by the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP.
6. Transactions with affiliates, subsidiaries or related companies incorporated in countries or areas considered internationally as uncooperative tax havens by the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP.
7. Sums of money payments for unspecified services to aggregated reach the TEN PERCENT (10%) of payments for purchases of the year.
8. Loans to consultants or staff of the company whose annual average balances reach the TEN PERCENT (10%) of total assets of the entity.
9. Purchase / sale of goods or services at prices significantly higher or lower than market prices.
10. Unusual transactions in relation to the normal operative entity, with companies registered overseas.
11. Payments to trade creditors or financial or holders of securities, cash, cashiers checks or transfers to numbered bank accounts, amounts that totaled reach twenty percent (20%) of total payments for the year.
12. Income from debt funds received in cash or through transfers from bank accounts without identifiable owner or from countries or areas internationally regarded as uncooperative tax havens by the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP.
13. Capital contributions or contributions to capitalize, received in cash or through transfers from bank accounts with no identifiable owner or from countries or areas internationally regarded as uncooperative tax havens by the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP.
14. Investment in assets physical or projects amounts to reach the twenty percent (20%) of total assets of the entity, for activities which generate cash flows are insufficient to justify economically.
15. Customers who provide as security for their operations centers located assets offshore. "
16. Collections anticipated financial or commercial loans granted by the entity for amounts that reach twenty percent (20%) of total loans.
17. Customers who have sudden changes or irregular patterns in the type of operations performed.
18. Early cancellation of debts for amounts that totaled reach twenty percent (20%) annual average indebtedness of the company in the last year.
19. Structured transactions with counterparties under fiduciary figures without the possibility of identifying individuals or legal entities.
20. Sales commissions or agent's fees that appear excessive in relation to those normally paid by the entity.
21. Sales of goods and services paid for in cash in amounts to reach the twenty percent (20%) of annual revenues, combined with significant increases in sales between fiscal years or in relation to similar activities in the market and / or inadequately identified agency clients.
22. Purchase of securities which retains financial advisor for the client, whose amount reaches TEN PERCENT (10%) of total assets of the entity.
23. Orders by customers of investment management services (either foreign currency or securities) where the source of funds is unclear or does not match the apparent situation of the client.
24. Recovery of assets under management, litigation or impaired, by amounts that reach twenty percent (20%) of the annual income of the customer.
25. Existence of societies in which they participate, directly or indirectly, a higher percentage of twenty percent (20%) of social capital, which legal addresses are internationally in countries or areas considered uncooperative tax havens by the FINANCIAL ACTION GROUP.
26. Application to conduct on behalf of client financial transactions of any kind, without a cause.
27. Buy / sell precious metals and works of art for amounts that reach the TEN PERCENT (10%) of client assets.
28. Drafts and transfers made abroad are not related to normal commercial operations of the client, for amounts that reach the TEN PERCENT (10%) of annual sales revenue.
29. Cash deposits of large sums bank accounts related to the usual operative or operative funds received unusual.
30. Electronic transfer of funds that are not placed through a financial institution for amounts that reach the TEN PERCENT (10%) of annual sales revenue.
31. Purchase / sale of assets not related to the operative for the main purpose of the client, whose amount reaches TEN PERCENT (10%) of its total assets.
32. Recruitment of life insurance policies with one premium payment, under the Company's results, with early termination and subsequent rescue.
33. Procurement of insurance policies of life for people of low income, and held them for higher amounts and against the results of the Company.
34. Recruitment of life insurance policies with single premium for Directors under the Company's results, with subsequent early termination fee and rescue, to recover against the results of the Company. Time
Suspicious Transaction Report Money Laundering
Article 25 - The deadline for reporting suspicious events or transactions Laundering shall be thirty (30) days from the making of knowledge. Time
Report Suspicious Terrorist Financing
Article 26 - The deadline for reporting suspicious events or Financing of Terrorism will FORTY-EIGHT (48) hours of making knowledge, enabling you day and after hours for that purpose. Privacy
Report 27 - Data for suspicious transaction reports (STRs) may not appear on records or documents that must be exhibited to the inspection bodies of the activity, in accordance with the provisions Article 22 of Law 25246, as amended. Founding
Report 28 - The reporting of suspicious transactions should be established and contain a description of the circumstances under which is considered that the operation holds such a character.
Report Suspicious e
29 - The reporting of suspicious transactions shall conform to the format set out in the Annex, accompanied debiéndose also all the documents before the power of the obligated linked to the reported transaction, the should be clear and legible.
From April 1, 2011, reporting of suspicious transactions made electronically, under the regulations duly prescribed by the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT. Obligated parties must keep all supporting documentation thereof which will be available at the request of the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT. Independence
Reports Article 30 - In the event that a systematic reporting operation is considered by the obligated as a suspicious transaction, it should make each report separately.
Quality Report Report
31 - In order to improve the quality of systematic reporting of suspicious transactions received, the FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT annually issue reports on their quality. Register
32 - The obligor shall establish a registry or database that contains identified all cases in which they have been suspicious.
The information contained in such record shall be sufficient to permit reconstruction of any such operations, and serve as evidence to any proceedings instituted.
Penalties Section 33 - Failure of any of its obligations under this resolution, shall be subject to sanctions under Chapter IV of Law 25246, as amended.
34 - For existing customers, the obligors shall comply with the provisions of Article 9 for all new service course is completed after THIRTY (30) days of the effective date of this resolution.
35 - To approve the Annex to this resolution.
Article 36 - Repealed resolution FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIT 3 / 2004 and amendments.
Article 37 - By.