Saturday, October 31, 2009

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November 2, Day of the Dead-survey-results

As you can see from the above survey Halloween increasingly gaining ground on the Day of the Dead is a Mexican tradition merely because we are the only culture that instead of fearing death laugh and play with it. I personally do not get altar of the dead but I try to visit my relatives and deceased, those closest are my two grandmothers and my grandfather recently ... who just left a hole in February past.

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Felipe Calderon and his false promises revelations Internet

anyone remember this picture, I think it represents one of the promises of our current president certainly won him converts to their cause, or more colloquially votes that won him the presidency in fact this picture reminds me of a phrase my grandmother "Promise not impoverish, is what saddens meet" and our president promised and to date has failed, the obvious question is: Will it deliver, or just use us as pawns to get where is it?.

now says you can not eliminate this tax because it represents a significant% of the revenue collected each year and are intended to endless budget, I say that if you can always remove some places that government people are not efficient in their jobs or simply that there are flyers in the payrolls of H.orrorosos Help , sorry Honorable councils.

For Internet via e-mail anda traveling this situation reminds us and tells us that if it is the envoy of Mexico could generate enough pressure to achieve the goal of eliminating this tax, personally I think it serves nothing except to make fun of ourselves as a people ignorant and compliant which does not require their governments to deliver what we promise in the field, do you you think about this?

Monday, October 19, 2009

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Undead WI-FI-

I think the internet and modernity have affected both the way we live, in most cases for good, however, consider that there were aspects that could not be affected by technology, but now I realize that it is not already set up to have technology funeral to mourn our dead from a distance, I personally think it is an exaggeration and if at the time inpersonales relations are so cold and indifferent we can expect if you adopt this method for example for a birthday, a ceremony, and any other event where what makes it special is the union of individuals (family or friends), you think, by the way the entire story then taken from INFORMADOR

"The idea of \u200b\u200bvirtual vigil was born from the expressed sadness that many of our customers by the absence of family members living abroad, "said Luis Fonseca, director of funeral services" Los Olivos "in Bucaramanga (East), a pioneer in offering the service. According Fonseca, the provision is to install a video camera in the room of the wake-free affiliated with the funeral and at a cost equivalent to $ 10 an hour for individuals, for families of the deceased continued step by step through the network the ceremony. Al Colombian immigrant is given a key input lets you connect to a 360-degree camera that provides real-time sound. The funeral home has three years to provide the service.

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A new opportunity-Internet Security-old vehicle

A new opportunity
I think this email has some hope but mostly it is the reality of what is experienced by the messenger and other media so popular today day so that we be aware of our family so they do not have an incident of such magnitude that leaves scarred for life.
View more presentations from ECTOS .

Thursday, October 15, 2009

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change with the support of $ 15,000-per

The global economic crisis has dragged on, and has been significantly affected auto sales worldwide, the Federal Government announced a package of actions to promote the renewal vehicle, which will help spur auto demand in the country.

On 21 July this years was published in the Official Journal of the Federation an agreement by which amends and adds various rules of operation of the Programme for the Development of High Technology Industries (PRODIAT) to incorporate mechanisms to support and encourage the renewal vehicle.

and added a new project called "Projects Type C, For the Renewal Vehicle", identifying target population companies producing new light motor vehicles have current registration, through a new vehicular and destruction of vehicles with ten or more years old.

To qualify and to access the PRODIAT support, participating companies must have the following eligibility requirements:

I. Be legally constituted under Mexican law;
II. Have current registration in accordance with the laws of matter
III. Stay current with your federal taxes;
IV. Do not be in charge of tax credits the firm with the Mexican Social Security Institute;
V. Not getting support from other federal programs for the same concept.

After satisfying the above requirements, the Board of Directors PRODIAT evaluate the projects submitted to it by the beneficiaries considering the following points: I.

Who meet the eligibility requirements listed above;
II. That give the buyer the discount PRODIAT final which is a discount of $ 15,000.00 pesos in the price of a new eligible vehicle.
III. Attesting to the destruction of a used vehicle through a shredder company for each new vehicle sold at a discount PRODIAT.

PRODIAT The amounts that the grant for Projects Type C will be determined as follows: I.

The amount of the first support will be obtained by multiplying the 250 million pesos for the applicant's participation rate in the total aggregate of the companies benefiting from the support.
II. The amount of the second support is the result of multiplying 250 million pesos for the applicant's participation percentage in the total support granted in the first phase to the beneficiaries.

resources will be subject to resource availability and the results obtained. The maximum support per beneficiary will be $ 500 million pesos. The Board of Directors of PRODIAT issue the appropriate ruling no later than 20 working days upon completion eligibility requirements and selection criteria.

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Change your old bank charges decreased Visiting

The Bank of Mexico, with the aim of protect public interests and promote the healthy development of the financial system, issued the Circular 17/2009 with effect from 21 August this year, which contains a number of general provisions regarding the collection of fees, among which are:

  • In deposit accounts in sight, such as payroll checks and may not collected together in the same period, fees for account management and failure to maintain minimum balance.
  • No fees may be levied a customer to have checks deposited in your account that are returned for any reason.
  • When the financial institution requires you to open an escrow account for payment of charges relating to having given some credit, no fees may be charged in the account by the following concepts: Opening
    • ;
    • Management;
    • not maintain a minimum average balance.
  • fees may be levied not to exceed a customer or attempt to exceed the balance of your debit card derivative transactions with it.
  • No fees may be levied a customer for the cancellation of deposit accounts, available media and banking.
  • case of funds transfer orders, institutions may not charge different fees depending on the amount of transfers that were requested by customers.

The foregoing provisions for financial institutions to determine fees charged for services actually rendered and collection mechanisms they are more clear and transparent, benefit of users.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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by IMSS-Unidad-

Last week, heavy rain fell and I got to the bathroom to strength! which severely impacted my health, apparently affecting some of my ears, creating an infection, inflammation and pain ... but above all MUCH PAIN! reason I had to visit the emergency room of the IMSS, paradoxically I like to see the series of Dr. House, but not me in the least like being in a hospital, much less when I check the doctor and determine some painkillers and antibiotics which I was to be injected, to see the mega syringes felt some fear for the pain that often cause, I asked the nurse if I was all that liquid to inject what he smiled and said, if you do you inject it a Bolota in the arm, do not worry, I'll put in the vein, put your arm here and opens and closes the hand!, bone reassure me that for nothing ...

wanted both to avoid this shot I thought of running away and putting up with pain, but in the end I was strong and support the "Nips" and thanks to this and I feel much better. Now

IMSS unit Mezcalez gave me a quick service and quality, hopefully we could say that of all public hospitals that exist in our country, and you you think of the services of IMSS, leave me your comments or anecdotes

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dog's Nose Is Dry And Has White Spots On It

Mezcalez Jokes Cuban-Teo González-

A good summary of this excellent comedian jokes about Mexicans, who enjoy them!

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Yesterday staff nayarit health secretary showed up at the offices of the company for a vaccination to all staff, I got me two shots, one in each what's left arm disabled all afternoon je je je and for that I created here is my certificate of vaccination to the "Mexican"

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Robaxin How Long It Stays In Your System

Vaccination Week 5 pesos commemorative coins alluding to figures of the revolution, Alvaro Obregon

Sonoran Revolutionary
whose talents military made him the most important military arm of Constitutionalism. Both excelled in their fight against federal forces and against the conventions, when he defeated at El Bajio in the Northern Division of Francisco Villa. His radicalism he had with Carranza's moderate positions and led him to adopt the Plan of Agua Prieta against the First Chief of the Constitutionalist. He was president of Mexico from 1920 to 1924, during his agrarianism promoted the formation of labor organizations, gained international recognition of the new regime and initiated the implementation of the anticlerical provisions of the Constitution. In 1828, he tried to become president Republic again, but was assassinated by a religious fanatic. With Obregon began construction Contemporary Mexico and the regime emerged from the Mexican Revolution.

was put into service in 2008, Banxico

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5 pesos commemorative coins allusions to heroes of Independence - Mariano Matamoros-

Cleric supporter of the insurgency and he was taken prisoner by the colonial government in the early of the struggle. In 1811 he escaped from prison and joined the insurgent forces in Morelos. Soon military showed his worth in battle Cuautla, Izucar and Oaxaca, among others. Captured in the attempt to take Valladolid, was shot in February 1814. Along Galeana, Matamoros was the most prominent official of Morelos.
was put into service in 2008, Banco de Mexico source

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Combi flirtatious - Bride of Herbie? -

Walking I found this pretty combi which was amended by the ingenuity Mexican and I am sure became the biggest flirt combination of Mexico, or perhaps already had seen anything like it, we can only get the phone of Herbie the Beetle the film to get to know and see what happens
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Friday, October 2, 2009

Tundra For Sale Skidoo

Interior of Medina

For those unfamiliar with that transport Medina is a picture of the inside to see what they are comfortable and modern units!

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