The global economic crisis has dragged on, and has been significantly affected auto sales worldwide, the Federal Government announced a package of actions to promote the renewal vehicle, which will help spur auto demand in the country.
On 21 July this years was published in the Official Journal of the Federation an agreement by which amends and adds various rules of operation of the Programme for the Development of High Technology Industries (PRODIAT) to incorporate mechanisms to support and encourage the renewal vehicle.
and added a new project called "Projects Type C, For the Renewal Vehicle", identifying target population companies producing new light motor vehicles have current registration, through a new vehicular and destruction of vehicles with ten or more years old.
To qualify and to access the PRODIAT support, participating companies must have the following eligibility requirements:
I. Be legally constituted under Mexican law;
II. Have current registration in accordance with the laws of matter
III. Stay current with your federal taxes;
IV. Do not be in charge of tax credits the firm with the Mexican Social Security Institute;
V. Not getting support from other federal programs for the same concept.
After satisfying the above requirements, the Board of Directors PRODIAT evaluate the projects submitted to it by the beneficiaries considering the following points: I.
Who meet the eligibility requirements listed above;
II. That give the buyer the discount PRODIAT final which is a discount of $ 15,000.00 pesos in the price of a new eligible vehicle.
III. Attesting to the destruction of a used vehicle through a shredder company for each new vehicle sold at a discount PRODIAT.
PRODIAT The amounts that the grant for Projects Type C will be determined as follows: I.
The amount of the first support will be obtained by multiplying the 250 million pesos for the applicant's participation rate in the total aggregate of the companies benefiting from the support.
II. The amount of the second support is the result of multiplying 250 million pesos for the applicant's participation percentage in the total support granted in the first phase to the beneficiaries.
resources will be subject to resource availability and the results obtained. The maximum support per beneficiary will be $ 500 million pesos. The Board of Directors of PRODIAT issue the appropriate ruling no later than 20 working days upon completion eligibility requirements and selection criteria.
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