Thursday, November 26, 2009

Planterd Wrtd Topog Leg Inside

Monotributo New Values \u200b\u200bof K

Friday, November 13, 2009

Deodorant Not Tested On Animals

GENERAL RESOLUTION (Adm. Chaco Provincial Tax) Training Course 1633/2009

Chaco. Gross income. Simplified system for small taxpayers. Exemption. Requirements and procedures

SUMMARY: Establishes requirements and procedures to be taxpayers comply with tax on gross income to enjoy the tax exemption for being in categories "A" and "F" national simplified scheme as provided for by law (Chaco) 6077.

STANDARD DATE: 03/11/2009


AGENCY: Provincial Tax Adm.


SEEN: Law 6077/2007, and

That the law cited
incorporated as subsection v) Article 128, Chapter Five "of Exemptions", of Legislative Decree 2444/1962 (Provincial Tax Code) subjects including in categories "A" and "F" in Article 8 of the national law 24,977 (tv) as amended and supplemented - Simplified Regime for Small Taxpayers - Monotributo -;

That for the reasons stated above, it is necessary to establish requirements and procedures for effective implementation on the part of taxpayers that are framed in the exemption cited,

That this Tax Administration is authorized to issue this because of the provisions of Act 330 (to) and Decree-Law 2444 / 1962 and its amendments;




Article 1 - The subjects that are listed in categories "A" and "F" in Article 8 of the national law 24,977 (tv) to be considered for exemption from the tax gross income pursuant to paragraph v) of Article 128, Chapter Five "of exemptions, of Legislative Decree 2444/1962 (Provincial Tax Code), incorporated by enactment of the 6077 Act shall:

1. Request your framework in a note submitted by Bureau of Entry and Exit or via the web in the exemption, stating:

a) Activities to develop.

b) Summon main suppliers of goods and services that it uses to develop its activities with clarification of those who act as withholding agents and / or perception.

c) Amount of total fixed monthly expenses.

d) Number of employees.

e) For commercial premises, if it is itself present a copy of proof of urban real estate tax, or failing that, the contract.

2. Have regularized their tax situation before the ATP.

3. Submit record high as Monotributo "AFIP in categories" A "or" F "and last pay stub of national income tax.

Article 2 - Taxpayers who at the time of implementing the steps described in Section 1, they correspond to the exemption provided in paragraph v) of Article 128 of the Provincial Tax Code, will be issued "certificate of exemption."

Article 3 - Taxpayers should outsource your tax situation before year that ATP, by filing the affidavit annual revenues by 2205 SI form via the web.

Article 4 - Taxpayers in any situation externalized revenues exceeding those established by national laws to the framework in such categories shall be subject to tax on gross income and additional 10% to be paid corresponding tax annual income reported at the time of submission of the Annual Affidavit Form SI 2205 via web.

Section 5 - Violations of the provisions set forth in the preceding articles shall be liable to the penalties and fines pursuant to Title VII of the Provincial Tax Code, Legislative Decree 2442/1962 (tv);

Article 6 - form.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Andrea Maffensanti Architect

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do They Have Cubefield For Itouch

have such a husband is priceless - The highs of Master Card-

The man woke up this morning with a terrible hangover.
Last night he had hit a binge away from home ....
drank like crazy, even as he remembered
returned home.

Prisoner of excruciating headache, hurt all
body muscles, the throat is parched tongue of a parrot;
in the mouth a taste of copper and vinegar.

was afraid even to open my eyes as I expected, insurance,
the pissed of his old .

opened his eyes as he could, and what he saw left him crazy.
On the bedside table was a small cooler full of
ice cubes, with a pair of cold beers.
Next door was a couple of Alka-Seltzers and a glass of water.
Leaning on the glass was a scented sachet, the type
stunned opened the envelope and inside found a message saying

'My love, living my life: I'm sorry that is not here to
serve you' ... 'I got a moment, but returned a while to be
you. I have left these things on the table to get well
discomfort that may feel after last night's binge '..
'I have prepared a broth as you like, chicken and beef, you
expected the dining room. I asked our son what you serve and
watch for you, I leave a kiss with all my love. Your wife
love you '

The man did not believe his eyes. Drank with delight both
cold beers, bathed, dressed, and under the dining room. There in
effect expecting her son, who greeted him warmly and served the
soup prepared by his mother.

He ate in silence, and astonished Father thought ....'¿ What this
happening? " "I dreamed of anything? Was that a delusion of

then timidly ventured to ask: 'What happened last night,
son? "
'You came at 3 am and went in a complete state of
drunkenness. You bumped the car in the garage door, you gave a
kick the cat vomit in the room and ruined the carpet
my mom had just bought, you Meast in a container.
Then you fell on the stairs and that was private, without sense.
had to wake my mother to help her take to bed. "

and 'What then? The lord asks why all this? Why do
recadito beers and loving, and the tremendous stock and all these
courtesies? '.

the boy responds: - "Because mom was going to undress in bed and
when it started to get off your pants you said :


2 Alka-Seltzers: $ 3 pesos
2 beers cold: $ 14 pesos
Maggi soup broth: $ 20 pesos
Saying the right words when
must ........¡ PRICELESS!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Merilyn Sakova Pregnancy

5 pesos commemorative coins alluding to the heroes of independence, Servando Teresa de Mier-

Dominican Religious
in December 1794 gave his famous speech on the Virgin of Guadalupe that earned him exile to Spain. Since then escapes and arrests took place throughout Europe, until finally, in 1811, he moved to London and from there to support the cause of Mexican independence in the press. In that city he met Mina and joined his expedition, but was captured in Soto la Marina, prosecuted by the Inquisition and imprisoned, was sent to Spain arrested but escape Mier again in Havana, where he spent United States and later to Mexico where he was again caught by his opposition to the First Empire. In 1823, Mier escaped for the seventh and last time and joined the Constitutional Convention, where he excelled as a critic of federalism. Mier's contribution to Mexico's independence occurred at several levels: in the diffusion of movement through the press, in the field of ideological struggle and even military action, as important as their participation in the liberation movement, was its contribution to the construction of Mexico.

was put into service in 2009