Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sub Woofer Box Silverado Regular Cab

Argentine Integrated Retirement System (SIPA). Social welfare. Special subsidy to the beneficiaries.

Buenos Aires, December 2, 2009
BO: 12/03/2009

Article 1 - Gives a special one-time subsidy to the beneficiaries of social security benefits Argentine Integrated Social Security System (SIPA), referred to Law 26,425, equivalent to three hundred fifty pesos ($ 350), which is paid to those receiving a monthly salary of up to eight hundred twenty-seven pesos to twenty-three cents ($ 827.23) three hundred twenty-five pesos ($ 325) for which earn up to a thousand dollars ($ 1,000), of three hundred dollars ($ 300) for receiving up to one hundred thousand pesos ($ 1,100), of two hundred seventy-five pesos ($ 275) for receiving up 1200 pesos ($ 1,200), of two hundred fifty pesos ($ 250) for beneficiaries who earn up to 1300 pesos ($ 1,300), of two hundred twenty-five pesos ($ 225) for receiving up to 1400 pesos ($ 1,400) , and two hundred pesos ($ 200) for receiving up to 1500 pesos ($ 1,500). Customers receive a credit greater than the latter figure does not enjoy the special allowance.

mented Payment of subsidy will be in charge of the National Social Security (ANSe.S.).

Although the right to receive the benefit of the beneficiary fail to complete an entire month, the special allowance shall be paid in full, ie not subject to any proportion.

also remain within the purview of this article headlines retirement beneficiaries ordinary disability retirement pension and death, they were settled by the Retirement Fund Administrators and Pension (Pension Funds) under programmed retirement and retirement fractional but do not receive public component and who were in the Pension Plan to the effective date of Act 26,425, and the holders of annuities issued by insurance companies that have state component removal by the National Social Security, understanding beneficiaries who also got their delivery through a special scheme and those belonging to the former cases or provincial or municipal institutes forecast that the national state were transferred under the transfer agreements concluded in due course.

Section 2 - The special allowance under this decree does not reach the retirement and pension schemes of the Police or the Prison Service of the provinces whose pension schemes were transferred to the national state.

Article 3 - Gives a one-time special allowance equivalent to one hundred fifty pesos ($ 150) to recipients of benefits not contributory by the Ministry of Social Development. If the beneficiary also receives a benefit awarded by the National Administration of Social Security, compatible character, apply the provisions laid down in Art. 1.

They are also included as beneficiaries of the special allowance referred to in the preceding paragraph, holders of honorary pensions of veterans of the South Atlantic, which is paid by the National Administration of Social Security, as provided by DTOs. 1.357/04 of October 5, 2004 and 886/05 of July 21, 2005.

4 - The special allowance will be paid in la suma de pesos doscientos ($ 200) a los beneficiarios que posean más de una prestación, en tanto que ninguna de ellas supere el monto máximo establecido en el párrafo primero del art. 1.

Art. 5 – Déjase establecido que en los casos de beneficio pensionario, cualquiera sea la cantidad de sus copartícipes, éstos deberán ser considerados como un único beneficiario a los fines del derecho al subsidio extraordinario, percibiéndolo en la misma proporción en la que se le abona su beneficio.

Art. 6 – Establécese que el subsidio extraordinario otorgado por este decreto será abonado por única vez, en el mes de diciembre de 2009, y no será susceptible de descuento any computable or for any other concept.

7 - In the event that the special grant that this decree is granted can not be handled entirely by the budget of the National Administration of Social Security, the head of the Cabinet have budgetary restructuring resulting necessary.

Article 8 - In form.


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