Self-Employment Program and local productive fabric.
Department of Employment EMPLOYMENT
Resolution 2 / 2010
Approval of the Operating Manual for Self-Employment Program and Local Productive
6/1/2010 05/02/2010
SEEN 1.351.163/09 File No. Registry of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Law No. 24,013, Decree No. 336 of March 23, 2006, Resolutions of the MINISTRY OF LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY No. 502 of May 29, 2006, No. 497 of May 13, 2008 and No. 1094 of November 16, 2009, Resolution of the Department of Employment No. 261 of May 13, 2008, and
That Resolution of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and SOCIAL N ยบ 1094, of November 16, 2009, created the self-employment programs in we went, local products in order to promote the employability of unemployed workers who intend to engage in productive activities independently and improve the quality of employment small farmers and entrepreneurs by developing their productive and trade capacities by strengthening the local network and their networks of associations.
That Article 21 of Resolution of the MINISTRY OF LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY No. 1094-1009 fixed the 1st of January 2010 as the date of enactment of this measure. That
-EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM AND LOCAL productive network provides its implementation through DOS (2) lines of action: 1) Line "Self-Employment Promotion" to help generate quality jobs from development of small sustainable economic units in different localities of the country and 2) the line "Developing Local Productive Gratings" that contribute to the generation of quality employment through support and strengthening of networks of small producers and / or entrepreneurs.
That Resolution MINISTRY OF LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY No. 1094-1009 established the characteristics of both lines of action, the target population, types of projects implemented and the financial support by the Ministry.
That in order to enable the implementation of SELF-EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM AND LOCAL productive network becomes operational aspects necessary to regulate and coordinate their interaction with other promotional programs or activities employment by the Ministry.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 21 of Resolution of the MINISTRY OF LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY No. 1094-1009.
Article 1 - Approval of the Operational Manual self-employment programs and productive network LOCAL, established by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and SO-
CIAL No. 1094 of November 16 2009, and are an integral part of this Resolution.
Section 2 - Provides that the amount for early payment of benefits cash under Article 9 of the Resolution of the MINISTRY OF LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY No. 1094-1009,
be fixed by determining the number of monthly payments that are necessary for the implementation of approved business plan.
In the event that the amount set includes, not the entire monthly installments that may correspond to the applicant, the remaining payments will be credited on a monthly basis from the month after the transfer of the advance.
Article 3 - set at one amount of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS ($ 150) monthly incentive provided for in Article 11 of the Resolution of the MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY No. 1094-1009, for participants in the line of "Self-Employment Promotion" PROGRAM OF SELF-EMPLOYMENT AND LOCAL productive fabric.
Article 4 - Derogate subsection d) of section 4.1. Chapter I and paragraph 3.5 of Chapter II of the Operating Regulations YOUTH PROGRAM WITH MORE AND BETTER JOB, adopted as Annex I to the resolution of the Department of Employment No. 261 of May 13, 2008.
Article 5 - Repealed Form Business Plan for the Generation of Independent Enterprise YOUTH PROGRAM WITH MORE AND BETTER JOB, adopted as Annex III of Resolution the Department of Employment No. 261/08.
Article 6 - To authorize the National Directorate of Employment Promotion to approve the forms and operational tools needed for the submission, evaluation and implementation of projects under the SELF-EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM AND LOCAL productive framework and regulate the activities of assistance technique necessary for the implementation of this Program.
Article 7 - This resolution shall take effect from 1 January 2010.
Article 8 - Contact, published, submitted to the National Official Registry and filed. - Enrique Deibe
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