Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Streptococcus On Gums

employment contract. Remuneration. Due

Buenos Aires, May 4, 2010
BO: 05/05/1910

employment contract. Remuneration. Payment. Law 20,744. Amendment.

Section 1 - Changed the art. 124 of "labor contract regime" approved by Law 20,744, which reads as follows:

"Section 124 - Compensation in money owed to the employee shall be paid, under penalty of nullity, in cash, check payable to the employee, to be taken personally by him or whom he directed or through accreditation into account opened in his name in bank or savings institution official.

This special account will pay the account name and under no circumstances may have withdrawal limits, no cost to the worker, in terms of its constitution, maintenance or removal of funds throughout the banking system, whatever the extraction method employed.

The enforcement authority may provided that in certain activities, businesses, farms or shops or certain areas or times the payment of remuneration in money due to work done exclusively by one or more of the forms provided and the control and supervision of officials or dependent that authority. Payment is formalizare without supervision may be declared invalid.

In all cases the worker may require that their compensation will be paid in cash. "

Section 2 - By.


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