E daily s a concept that evokes a sense of abstractions, ideas, lying suspended and removed from concrete reality, mostly having little relationship to what facto happens in life. It is for this, which looks suspiciously the contribution that it can do if not relieved in a particular case or does not show a "utility."
prior But what is not at the expense of what brings discipline and understood as theory. In the case of Archaeology, may represent "the set of rules we use to transform the facts into coherent stories about the past, stories that, for us as archaeologists, they make sense and (hopefully) also have for people in general . And such rules are implicit or explicit theoretical in nature "(Johnson 2000:22-23). It would be easy to let this brief introduction de lo que es la Teoría, hasta aquí y no indagar más en este concepto que por su aparente simpleza y generalidad, mas, resulta necesario considerar el significado de la definición previamente presentada, ya que, primero que todo, decir que es un conjunto de reglas, evoca un sentido de coerción y de obligatoriedad que implica un cumplimiento rígido a ciertas premisas y que fomenta esa visión de alejamiento y de suspensión de la realidad, que la constituyen como barrera infranqueable e inextricable que muchas veces lleva a pensar en su verdadera utilidad y /o función.
A pesar de lo anterior, se puede concebir a la Teoría más cercana y amigable, comparison with a stained glass window because, let light reflected by different colors, which color the reality behind it. This will show how reality can be seen, explained and understood from different colors that we will realize a way to see and shape the world, and represents our conception of theory.
We can say that one of the colors present in the stained glass represents one way of seeing and doing the world counting among its components: the material culture, culture, context and the archaeological record that are as manifest data coloring Distinguished Achievement from each other by their colors. The stained glass windows that make up these we can account for the different levels of theory, corresponding to a high level which is related to how the world and the associations between material culture and the world average level, with respect the discourse on a particular aspect, which can be behavioral, and relationship with the archaeological record, and, finally, the low level is linked to cultural patterns in case studies.
Note that there are different types of stained glass which can be illustrated in this case, critical theory, Physical Theory and Sociocultural Theory. The first regards the archaeological activity, the second to the archaeological record and the third and last, the way of observing the world.
We know that stained glass is not isolated and placed randomly in the construction of which is a part, but articulates and aesthetics interact harmoniously with other components, which allows to illustrate the case Theory which is interrelated and articulated as macro elements such as Archaeology, Scientific and Prehistory, realizing a framework that streamlines around the development of the discipline, the context in which it does and the discussions and reflections various researchers that have arisen throughout the history of archaeological thought, subtly illuminating what is behind it, and with this by setting an arena increasingly broad and diverse ways of understanding the data and make them into a story about past. This story is mainly focused in the past to form what we call prehistory, which can be understood and colored by different theoretical approaches that will relieve some corners of it, more than others. In making this, one must consider what leads us to conduct investigations or so which, from an almost intuitive understanding of what we conceive as a fee and that leads to the generation of knowledge and its systematic archaeological and finally, to its constitution as an account of the past like prehistoric.
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