Monday, March 21, 2011

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1521-2011 [Accident Labor] Death of a worker at a building in Mutiloa

A worker died this afternoon in the development work at Lezkairu Soto in Mutiloa. And are 15 dead so far in 2011.

IRUÑEA 03/21/2011 18:19:00. As reported by the Government of Navarre in a statement, the accident occurred on 16.36 for reasons that are now being investigated by the Municipal Police of Pamplona.
The labor accideten occurred inthe development work at grove of Lezkairu in Mutiloa, in a work commissioned to the company Dragados SA. With this new death in labor accidents, as are 15 so far this year.
At the crash site, Navarre Emergency Agency has deployed two ambulances, one medicalized, and a provision of the Fire.

After several attempts to practice cardio-vascular resuscitation, physicians have certified the death of the worker.

Source: Gara

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the police arrested a woman who was allegedly identified as ETA militant

The French Gendarmerie has stopped at a roadblock a woman who was allegedly identified as miitante of ETA, as indicated by Efe. She was traveling with another person who has managed to flee. 3/21/2011 9:30:00

PARIS. According to information released by EFE, the arrest occurred in Indre, department 36, when a roadblock Gendarmerie agents have been high for a woman, which was identified as Lozano Miranda Jones, who would have presented as ETA militant and would have reported carrying a gun.

she was traveling with a man who has managed to flee in a vehicle of Citroen.
Police sources quoted by Efe link to Ibai Beobide Lozano was arrested by the Guardia Civil in February 2010 and alleged torture.

Rubalcaba: "One step"

The English First Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has described the arrest as "a step closer to the end" of ETA.

"While ETA definitely do not leave, absolutely, we will continue to ours," he stated.

Source: Gara

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[Madrid] IV Evening Fascist "Fists Out"

fascist celebrate the fourth evening on the occasion of bringing the various disciplines, martial arts and contact sports at all anti-fascist comrades, showing the effort, sacrifice and personal growth that goes with it and the satisfaction of learn to control our bodies and our minds to tense situations. Mastering

a contact sport for a fascist is as important as training and the fight is part of our daily lives taking into account the violence as a revolutionary tool in different situations such as defense against a fascist attack, avoiding indiscriminate attacks of the state security forces in a demonstration with a cool head and as effectively as possible.

Therefore we want to continue spreading the idea of \u200b\u200ba contact sport as an indispensable habit fascist, encouraging the circulation either in gyms or in one of Madrid's many social centers where they are taught.

therefore invite you to attend the Saturday 16 April at 18.00 in the CSO's work (street battle Belchite 17), Legazpi



*Fuente : RASH Madrid - BAF Madrid

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Martxoak 26 , Athletic - Celtic.

"Partidu bat baino gehiago" ekimena.

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Gazte Eguna Ekialdeko VII.

Irunberri (Nafarroa)

Martxoak 26.
12:00 Motozerra emanaldia plazan.
14:00 Bazkaria
17:00 Antifaxismoari buruzko hitzaldia frontoian.
19:00 Kelejira elektrotxarangarekin.
20:30 Manifestazioa kale nagusitik.
22:00 Afaria frontoian.
00:00 Kontzertuak
... eta gero DJ Elektromakarrak.

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Martxoak 26, Antifa eguna Irune

Mugitu zaitez !! XXI. mendeko faxismoaren aurka...

Irun, Martxoak 26

-Antifa bermouth. Goizeko 11:00etan Peña kalean (Mosku auzoa, Irun * Gipuzkoa).

-Kalejira: 13:30etan Moskutik Gaztetxera.

-Bazkari herrikoia. Lakaxita Gaztetxean 14:30etan.
Tketak 12€ (Bazkaria + kontzertua), Sunbillan eta Haizian.

-Antifa Rock Gaua:
Lakaxitan arratsaldeko
Surfin Kaos + + + Estricalla Humilitate
... DJ eta gero. Leku & DJ. Dwarf

* Source: RAC EZ Blog

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Lluis Llach: "That death will pursue our memories"

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Lawyers at the UN urged the Spanish government to abolish the special laws and isolation

The Council of the UN Human Rights meeting in Geneva these days, has received a request that the English State undo its special legislation

The Council of the UN Human Rights meeting in Geneva these days, has received a request that the English State undo its special legislation by the new context in Euskal Herria. Demand has been driven by the American Association of Jurists (AAJ) entity created in 1976 and has consultative status with the UN.
[+ info]

* Source: Euskal Herria La Haine

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Ahaztuak claimed to replace the plate and Txiki Otaegi in Zornotza

Ahaztuak 1936-1977, claiming collective memory of the victims of the Civil War and the Franco regime, has conducted a focus on Sunday to demand Zornotza replace the plate that gave the name Otaegi Txiki and a village square holding that the militants of ETA, last shot during the Franco regime, "no were terrorists ", but" fighters against Franco and the victims of that regime. "

[+ Info]

* Source: Gara

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The four arrested by the Guardia Civil report being tortured during interrogation

Judge Fernando Grande-Marlaska sent to prison yesterday Iñigo Zapirain, and Beatriz López Lorena Etxebarria. The four reported being subjected to torture and constant pressure to achieve their self-incrimination in the interrogations that were submitted by the Civil Guard during the five days of confinement. 03/06/2011 17:00:00

MADRID. Grande-Marlaska ordered custody, and sent without bail to Iñigo Zapirain, and Beatriz López Lorena Etxebarria, accusing them of "a terrorist organization", "possession weapons and explosives "and" forgery ".

Both Zapirain, Lopez and Etxebarria, and Daniel Pastor, jailed on Friday, his lawyer could be a few minutes. The four said they had been tortured and strong psychological pressure to achieve their self-incrimination while they were in the hands of the Guardia Civil.

As it transpired on Friday, Pastor confirmed that self-harm on two occasions to avoid signing the police statement because, as he told his lawyer he was forced to incriminate to the threat that if he did, his wife, Lorena Lopez, would be also subject to abuse and jailed.

En el caso de Iñigo Zapirain –el primero de los trasladados el sábado ante el juez–, relató que la Guardia Civil le aplicó "la bolsa" incluso camino de la Audiencia Nacional, con el fin de presionarle para que ratificase en sede judicial su confesión hecha en el periodo de incomunicación. Refirió haber sido amenzado con represalias contra su pareja (quien aún seguía en manos de la Guardia Civil) en caso de no ratificar dicha declaración.

Ayer, los medios de comunicación españoles destacaban cómo este detenido ratificó "uno por uno" en sede judicial su participación en todos los atentados que le imputa la Guardia Civil.

*Fuente : Gara

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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[Concerts] "Let's Oi! a threat" Edition 14 th in Barakaldo

The March 12 will be performed again on land Biscayan (Room Edaska-Barakaldo) the 14th edition of the fest "LET THE Oi! A threat," the hand of Terror Oi! Productions, you could see:

Ronas -LOS (Barakaldo)
-ESTEKA (Basauri)

At 21:00 h, and the entry will be from 7 € advance (StreetWarrios, Bilbao-Basterra, Barakaldo, Getxo Denda Brixton).
Seating is limited.

Source: Terror Oi! Productions

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Txarraska Gazte Asteburua - Basauri -

March 18:

17:00 - Championship football pitch in ariz ikastola
March 19:
From morning, workshops, games, txalaparta, tapas vegan ... in the plaza solabarria
14:00 - Lunch popular in
Gaztetxe 16:00 - Theatre
18:00 - Fair distris enlivened by blueman (soul jazz suezia Undrop Holland with former members)
21:30 - Concerts € 3:
- Skontra (punk-folk.Asturies) skontra
- Trokolo (punk-ska-reggae.Bilbo) / trokolo
- Komply not (hc-mélodico.Zalla) / nokomplytaldea
- Striknina (Leioa blunt punk rock) / striknina

March 20:
18:00 - Tea in the Gaztetxe with a talk on Palestine.

Source: Txarraska Gaztetxea

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Breaking the pattern of impunity for the crimes of the Franco regime in force in the English state for more than seventy years inevitably involves other issues along with defending Memory each and every one of the victims of the fascist regime and also of each and every one of those who fought against him, as well as defending the right of all those people to the Truth, Justice and Reparation.

[+ Info]

* Source: 1936-1977 Ahaztuak

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"The ongoing revolt" dokumentala ostiralean - The Kelo Gaztetxea

Ostegunean, martxoak 3, Gasteizko sarraskiaren 35. Betek urtemuga da. Harira horrid, gertakarioi buruz Lluís Llach Lluís Danés-ek-ek eta egindako dokumentala proiektatuko dugu ostiraleko 19:00 kafetan ethane: La Revolta Permanent.

"On March 3, 1976 in Vitoria, in the course of a meeting of workers, the police action caused five deaths and over a hundred wounded.

that night, driven by anger, Llach composed what would be one of the most emblematic songs of the Transition, "Campanades a morts ".
Now, thirty years later, Lluís Llach returns to Vitoria to interpret it in a concert in memory of the victims of March 3.
A journey in space and time led by the music and words of Llach own, in which autobiographical memories are mixed with images and testimonies of the protagonists of those events.
This is the story of a song, the portrait of the person who wrote it and chronicle the events that inspired it.
A cry and a demand for permanent revolt against forgetting. "

* Source: The Kelo Gaztetxea

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[Ireland] 30 Anniversary of the Hunger Strike of 1981

On a day como hoy, pero hace 30 años se inició una huelga de hambre que cambió la historia del norte de Irlanda y por extensión de toda la isla.

10 hombres murieron en el marco de esa protesta, siete de ellos eran miembros del P.IRA y tres lo eran del INLA.

*Fuente : El Norte de Irlanda Blog

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[Ireland] Final Results to 31 Omenaldia Eging Dáil

Por fin el recuento electoral en los 26 condados ha terminado, las cosas quedan así:
*ULA se queda con 5 asientos que no salen como "ULA" al no haberse constituido como partido, pero son el resultante de la alianza entre Socialist Party (SP), People Before Benefit (la gente antes que el beneficio) y Workers and Unemployed Action Group de Tipperary (WUAG).

*Fuente : El Norte de Irlanda Blog

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Diot Telesforo Monzoni Bergara, 13 years old

Telesforo Monzon ezker abertzaleko buruzagi historikoari omenaldia egingo diote heldu den martxoaren 13an Bergaran, bere sorterrian.

01/03/2011 12:18:00
BERGARA-. Martxoaren 9an Telesforo Monzonen heriotzaren 30. urteurrena beteko da eta, horren karira, Bergarako ezker abertzaleak omenaldia antolatu du, bere memoria ohoratu eta bere mezuaren gaurkotasuna agertzeko.
Omenaldiaren xehetasunak gaur azaldu dituzte Martin Garitano kazetariak eta Maite Aristegik. Agerraldian izan dira, halaber, Agurne Barruso Bergarako alkatea eta ekitaldian parte hartu behar duten hainbat lagun.
Garitanok nabarmendu duenez, Telesforo Monzonen lana eta lekukotasuna independentziaren ametsak gidatu zituen eta gaur, "haren mezuak, inoiz baino zentzu handiagoa du".

"Eskura daukagu gure herria, gure aberria, Estatu libre bat izateko prozesu demokratikoa. Inoiz baino baldintza hobeak ditugu abian den prozesu hori askatasuna, autodeterminazioa eta bakerantz bideratzeko", esan du.
Hartara, euskal herritarren borondatea errespetatua izan dadin "indarrak metu eta behar diren bultzada guztiak emateko garaia" dela adierazi du. Izan ere, gogora ekarri duenez, "batasuna izan da Telesforok utzi zigun mezua, herritarren batasuna, abertzaleen batasuna, eta gaur, atzo baino argiago dago aurrera egiteko batasuna erabat beharrezkoa dela".

Martxoaren 13a, beraz, Monzon omentzeko eta harekin batera "bidean gelditu diren abertzaleak omentzeko eta batasuna aldarrikatzeko" baliatuko dute.
Ekitaldia Bergarako pilotalekuan egingo da, arratsaldeko 18.30etik aurrera. Musika, dantzariak, bideo emanaldia, bertsolariak eta ekitaldi politikoa izango dira, besteak beste.

*Fuente : Gara

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martxoaren accept the arrest warrant against Zuriarrain and Lizeaga imprison, and Madernaz Plazaola

El Tribunal de Apelación de Pau se ha pronunciado a favor de la tramitación de la euroorden contra Eider Zuriarrain  y ha notificado sendas órdenes a Beñat Lizeaga, Aitziber Plazaola y Bergoi Madernaz, who was sent to prison
Seysses [+ info]

* Source: Gara

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Bizkaia Detainees are held incommunicado

The Civil Guard has arrested four people early this morning in Bilbo and Galdakao to which links with ETA. Pastor Daniel, Lorena Lopez, Beatriz Zapirain Iñigo Etxebarria and are held incommunicado, so his lawyers have asked that they apply the "habeas corpus." English Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has accused them of forming a "statutory command" of the armed organization.
[+ info]

Atxilotuak "bortizki torturatuak" ohartarazi daitezkeela izan du amnistiaren aldeko mugimenduak

[+ info]

Source: Gara