Sunday, March 6, 2011

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The four arrested by the Guardia Civil report being tortured during interrogation

Judge Fernando Grande-Marlaska sent to prison yesterday Iñigo Zapirain, and Beatriz López Lorena Etxebarria. The four reported being subjected to torture and constant pressure to achieve their self-incrimination in the interrogations that were submitted by the Civil Guard during the five days of confinement. 03/06/2011 17:00:00

MADRID. Grande-Marlaska ordered custody, and sent without bail to Iñigo Zapirain, and Beatriz López Lorena Etxebarria, accusing them of "a terrorist organization", "possession weapons and explosives "and" forgery ".

Both Zapirain, Lopez and Etxebarria, and Daniel Pastor, jailed on Friday, his lawyer could be a few minutes. The four said they had been tortured and strong psychological pressure to achieve their self-incrimination while they were in the hands of the Guardia Civil.

As it transpired on Friday, Pastor confirmed that self-harm on two occasions to avoid signing the police statement because, as he told his lawyer he was forced to incriminate to the threat that if he did, his wife, Lorena Lopez, would be also subject to abuse and jailed.

En el caso de Iñigo Zapirain –el primero de los trasladados el sábado ante el juez–, relató que la Guardia Civil le aplicó "la bolsa" incluso camino de la Audiencia Nacional, con el fin de presionarle para que ratificase en sede judicial su confesión hecha en el periodo de incomunicación. Refirió haber sido amenzado con represalias contra su pareja (quien aún seguía en manos de la Guardia Civil) en caso de no ratificar dicha declaración.

Ayer, los medios de comunicación españoles destacaban cómo este detenido ratificó "uno por uno" en sede judicial su participación en todos los atentados que le imputa la Guardia Civil.

*Fuente : Gara


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