Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Green Card After Interview 2010

will not pay off the endorsement if the vehicle is tuned

No endorsement payment discount if the vehicle is tuned

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sub Woofer Box Silverado Regular Cab

Argentine Integrated Retirement System (SIPA). Social welfare. Special subsidy to the beneficiaries.

Buenos Aires, December 2, 2009
BO: 12/03/2009

Article 1 - Gives a special one-time subsidy to the beneficiaries of social security benefits Argentine Integrated Social Security System (SIPA), referred to Law 26,425, equivalent to three hundred fifty pesos ($ 350), which is paid to those receiving a monthly salary of up to eight hundred twenty-seven pesos to twenty-three cents ($ 827.23) three hundred twenty-five pesos ($ 325) for which earn up to a thousand dollars ($ 1,000), of three hundred dollars ($ 300) for receiving up to one hundred thousand pesos ($ 1,100), of two hundred seventy-five pesos ($ 275) for receiving up 1200 pesos ($ 1,200), of two hundred fifty pesos ($ 250) for beneficiaries who earn up to 1300 pesos ($ 1,300), of two hundred twenty-five pesos ($ 225) for receiving up to 1400 pesos ($ 1,400) , and two hundred pesos ($ 200) for receiving up to 1500 pesos ($ 1,500). Customers receive a credit greater than the latter figure does not enjoy the special allowance.

mented Payment of subsidy will be in charge of the National Social Security (ANSe.S.).

Although the right to receive the benefit of the beneficiary fail to complete an entire month, the special allowance shall be paid in full, ie not subject to any proportion.

also remain within the purview of this article headlines retirement beneficiaries ordinary disability retirement pension and death, they were settled by the Retirement Fund Administrators and Pension (Pension Funds) under programmed retirement and retirement fractional but do not receive public component and who were in the Pension Plan to the effective date of Act 26,425, and the holders of annuities issued by insurance companies that have state component removal by the National Social Security, understanding beneficiaries who also got their delivery through a special scheme and those belonging to the former cases or provincial or municipal institutes forecast that the national state were transferred under the transfer agreements concluded in due course.

Section 2 - The special allowance under this decree does not reach the retirement and pension schemes of the Police or the Prison Service of the provinces whose pension schemes were transferred to the national state.

Article 3 - Gives a one-time special allowance equivalent to one hundred fifty pesos ($ 150) to recipients of benefits not contributory by the Ministry of Social Development. If the beneficiary also receives a benefit awarded by the National Administration of Social Security, compatible character, apply the provisions laid down in Art. 1.

They are also included as beneficiaries of the special allowance referred to in the preceding paragraph, holders of honorary pensions of veterans of the South Atlantic, which is paid by the National Administration of Social Security, as provided by DTOs. 1.357/04 of October 5, 2004 and 886/05 of July 21, 2005.

4 - The special allowance will be paid in la suma de pesos doscientos ($ 200) a los beneficiarios que posean más de una prestación, en tanto que ninguna de ellas supere el monto máximo establecido en el párrafo primero del art. 1.

Art. 5 – Déjase establecido que en los casos de beneficio pensionario, cualquiera sea la cantidad de sus copartícipes, éstos deberán ser considerados como un único beneficiario a los fines del derecho al subsidio extraordinario, percibiéndolo en la misma proporción en la que se le abona su beneficio.

Art. 6 – Establécese que el subsidio extraordinario otorgado por este decreto será abonado por única vez, en el mes de diciembre de 2009, y no será susceptible de descuento any computable or for any other concept.

7 - In the event that the special grant that this decree is granted can not be handled entirely by the budget of the National Administration of Social Security, the head of the Cabinet have budgetary restructuring resulting necessary.

Article 8 - In form.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Planterd Wrtd Topog Leg Inside

Monotributo New Values \u200b\u200bof K

Friday, November 13, 2009

Deodorant Not Tested On Animals

GENERAL RESOLUTION (Adm. Chaco Provincial Tax) Training Course 1633/2009

Chaco. Gross income. Simplified system for small taxpayers. Exemption. Requirements and procedures

SUMMARY: Establishes requirements and procedures to be taxpayers comply with tax on gross income to enjoy the tax exemption for being in categories "A" and "F" national simplified scheme as provided for by law (Chaco) 6077.

STANDARD DATE: 03/11/2009


AGENCY: Provincial Tax Adm.


SEEN: Law 6077/2007, and

That the law cited
incorporated as subsection v) Article 128, Chapter Five "of Exemptions", of Legislative Decree 2444/1962 (Provincial Tax Code) subjects including in categories "A" and "F" in Article 8 of the national law 24,977 (tv) as amended and supplemented - Simplified Regime for Small Taxpayers - Monotributo -;

That for the reasons stated above, it is necessary to establish requirements and procedures for effective implementation on the part of taxpayers that are framed in the exemption cited,

That this Tax Administration is authorized to issue this because of the provisions of Act 330 (to) and Decree-Law 2444 / 1962 and its amendments;




Article 1 - The subjects that are listed in categories "A" and "F" in Article 8 of the national law 24,977 (tv) to be considered for exemption from the tax gross income pursuant to paragraph v) of Article 128, Chapter Five "of exemptions, of Legislative Decree 2444/1962 (Provincial Tax Code), incorporated by enactment of the 6077 Act shall:

1. Request your framework in a note submitted by Bureau of Entry and Exit or via the web in the exemption, stating:

a) Activities to develop.

b) Summon main suppliers of goods and services that it uses to develop its activities with clarification of those who act as withholding agents and / or perception.

c) Amount of total fixed monthly expenses.

d) Number of employees.

e) For commercial premises, if it is itself present a copy of proof of urban real estate tax, or failing that, the contract.

2. Have regularized their tax situation before the ATP.

3. Submit record high as Monotributo "AFIP in categories" A "or" F "and last pay stub of national income tax.

Article 2 - Taxpayers who at the time of implementing the steps described in Section 1, they correspond to the exemption provided in paragraph v) of Article 128 of the Provincial Tax Code, will be issued "certificate of exemption."

Article 3 - Taxpayers should outsource your tax situation before year that ATP, by filing the affidavit annual revenues by 2205 SI form via the web.

Article 4 - Taxpayers in any situation externalized revenues exceeding those established by national laws to the framework in such categories shall be subject to tax on gross income and additional 10% to be paid corresponding tax annual income reported at the time of submission of the Annual Affidavit Form SI 2205 via web.

Section 5 - Violations of the provisions set forth in the preceding articles shall be liable to the penalties and fines pursuant to Title VII of the Provincial Tax Code, Legislative Decree 2442/1962 (tv);

Article 6 - form.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Andrea Maffensanti Architect

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do They Have Cubefield For Itouch

have such a husband is priceless - The highs of Master Card-

The man woke up this morning with a terrible hangover.
Last night he had hit a binge away from home ....
drank like crazy, even as he remembered
returned home.

Prisoner of excruciating headache, hurt all
body muscles, the throat is parched tongue of a parrot;
in the mouth a taste of copper and vinegar.

was afraid even to open my eyes as I expected, insurance,
the pissed of his old .

opened his eyes as he could, and what he saw left him crazy.
On the bedside table was a small cooler full of
ice cubes, with a pair of cold beers.
Next door was a couple of Alka-Seltzers and a glass of water.
Leaning on the glass was a scented sachet, the type
stunned opened the envelope and inside found a message saying

'My love, living my life: I'm sorry that is not here to
serve you' ... 'I got a moment, but returned a while to be
you. I have left these things on the table to get well
discomfort that may feel after last night's binge '..
'I have prepared a broth as you like, chicken and beef, you
expected the dining room. I asked our son what you serve and
watch for you, I leave a kiss with all my love. Your wife
love you '

The man did not believe his eyes. Drank with delight both
cold beers, bathed, dressed, and under the dining room. There in
effect expecting her son, who greeted him warmly and served the
soup prepared by his mother.

He ate in silence, and astonished Father thought ....'¿ What this
happening? " "I dreamed of anything? Was that a delusion of

then timidly ventured to ask: 'What happened last night,
son? "
'You came at 3 am and went in a complete state of
drunkenness. You bumped the car in the garage door, you gave a
kick the cat vomit in the room and ruined the carpet
my mom had just bought, you Meast in a container.
Then you fell on the stairs and that was private, without sense.
had to wake my mother to help her take to bed. "

and 'What then? The lord asks why all this? Why do
recadito beers and loving, and the tremendous stock and all these
courtesies? '.

the boy responds: - "Because mom was going to undress in bed and
when it started to get off your pants you said :


2 Alka-Seltzers: $ 3 pesos
2 beers cold: $ 14 pesos
Maggi soup broth: $ 20 pesos
Saying the right words when
must ........¡ PRICELESS!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Merilyn Sakova Pregnancy

5 pesos commemorative coins alluding to the heroes of independence, Servando Teresa de Mier-

Dominican Religious
in December 1794 gave his famous speech on the Virgin of Guadalupe that earned him exile to Spain. Since then escapes and arrests took place throughout Europe, until finally, in 1811, he moved to London and from there to support the cause of Mexican independence in the press. In that city he met Mina and joined his expedition, but was captured in Soto la Marina, prosecuted by the Inquisition and imprisoned, was sent to Spain arrested but escape Mier again in Havana, where he spent United States and later to Mexico where he was again caught by his opposition to the First Empire. In 1823, Mier escaped for the seventh and last time and joined the Constitutional Convention, where he excelled as a critic of federalism. Mier's contribution to Mexico's independence occurred at several levels: in the diffusion of movement through the press, in the field of ideological struggle and even military action, as important as their participation in the liberation movement, was its contribution to the construction of Mexico.

was put into service in 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Takes All Of Og Mudbone

November 2, Day of the Dead-survey-results

As you can see from the above survey Halloween increasingly gaining ground on the Day of the Dead is a Mexican tradition merely because we are the only culture that instead of fearing death laugh and play with it. I personally do not get altar of the dead but I try to visit my relatives and deceased, those closest are my two grandmothers and my grandfather recently ... who just left a hole in February past.

Baltimore Gay Hookup Spots

Felipe Calderon and his false promises revelations Internet

anyone remember this picture, I think it represents one of the promises of our current president certainly won him converts to their cause, or more colloquially votes that won him the presidency in fact this picture reminds me of a phrase my grandmother "Promise not impoverish, is what saddens meet" and our president promised and to date has failed, the obvious question is: Will it deliver, or just use us as pawns to get where is it?.

now says you can not eliminate this tax because it represents a significant% of the revenue collected each year and are intended to endless budget, I say that if you can always remove some places that government people are not efficient in their jobs or simply that there are flyers in the payrolls of H.orrorosos Help , sorry Honorable councils.

For Internet via e-mail anda traveling this situation reminds us and tells us that if it is the envoy of Mexico could generate enough pressure to achieve the goal of eliminating this tax, personally I think it serves nothing except to make fun of ourselves as a people ignorant and compliant which does not require their governments to deliver what we promise in the field, do you you think about this?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Snowmobile Repair Costs

Undead WI-FI-

I think the internet and modernity have affected both the way we live, in most cases for good, however, consider that there were aspects that could not be affected by technology, but now I realize that it is not already set up to have technology funeral to mourn our dead from a distance, I personally think it is an exaggeration and if at the time inpersonales relations are so cold and indifferent we can expect if you adopt this method for example for a birthday, a ceremony, and any other event where what makes it special is the union of individuals (family or friends), you think, by the way the entire story then taken from INFORMADOR

"The idea of \u200b\u200bvirtual vigil was born from the expressed sadness that many of our customers by the absence of family members living abroad, "said Luis Fonseca, director of funeral services" Los Olivos "in Bucaramanga (East), a pioneer in offering the service. According Fonseca, the provision is to install a video camera in the room of the wake-free affiliated with the funeral and at a cost equivalent to $ 10 an hour for individuals, for families of the deceased continued step by step through the network the ceremony. Al Colombian immigrant is given a key input lets you connect to a 360-degree camera that provides real-time sound. The funeral home has three years to provide the service.

Marine Fuel Injection

A new opportunity-Internet Security-old vehicle

A new opportunity
I think this email has some hope but mostly it is the reality of what is experienced by the messenger and other media so popular today day so that we be aware of our family so they do not have an incident of such magnitude that leaves scarred for life.
View more presentations from ECTOS .

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Body Opponent Bag Vancouver Address

change with the support of $ 15,000-per

The global economic crisis has dragged on, and has been significantly affected auto sales worldwide, the Federal Government announced a package of actions to promote the renewal vehicle, which will help spur auto demand in the country.

On 21 July this years was published in the Official Journal of the Federation an agreement by which amends and adds various rules of operation of the Programme for the Development of High Technology Industries (PRODIAT) to incorporate mechanisms to support and encourage the renewal vehicle.

and added a new project called "Projects Type C, For the Renewal Vehicle", identifying target population companies producing new light motor vehicles have current registration, through a new vehicular and destruction of vehicles with ten or more years old.

To qualify and to access the PRODIAT support, participating companies must have the following eligibility requirements:

I. Be legally constituted under Mexican law;
II. Have current registration in accordance with the laws of matter
III. Stay current with your federal taxes;
IV. Do not be in charge of tax credits the firm with the Mexican Social Security Institute;
V. Not getting support from other federal programs for the same concept.

After satisfying the above requirements, the Board of Directors PRODIAT evaluate the projects submitted to it by the beneficiaries considering the following points: I.

Who meet the eligibility requirements listed above;
II. That give the buyer the discount PRODIAT final which is a discount of $ 15,000.00 pesos in the price of a new eligible vehicle.
III. Attesting to the destruction of a used vehicle through a shredder company for each new vehicle sold at a discount PRODIAT.

PRODIAT The amounts that the grant for Projects Type C will be determined as follows: I.

The amount of the first support will be obtained by multiplying the 250 million pesos for the applicant's participation rate in the total aggregate of the companies benefiting from the support.
II. The amount of the second support is the result of multiplying 250 million pesos for the applicant's participation percentage in the total support granted in the first phase to the beneficiaries.

resources will be subject to resource availability and the results obtained. The maximum support per beneficiary will be $ 500 million pesos. The Board of Directors of PRODIAT issue the appropriate ruling no later than 20 working days upon completion eligibility requirements and selection criteria.

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Change your old bank charges decreased Visiting

The Bank of Mexico, with the aim of protect public interests and promote the healthy development of the financial system, issued the Circular 17/2009 with effect from 21 August this year, which contains a number of general provisions regarding the collection of fees, among which are:

  • In deposit accounts in sight, such as payroll checks and may not collected together in the same period, fees for account management and failure to maintain minimum balance.
  • No fees may be levied a customer to have checks deposited in your account that are returned for any reason.
  • When the financial institution requires you to open an escrow account for payment of charges relating to having given some credit, no fees may be charged in the account by the following concepts: Opening
    • ;
    • Management;
    • not maintain a minimum average balance.
  • fees may be levied not to exceed a customer or attempt to exceed the balance of your debit card derivative transactions with it.
  • No fees may be levied a customer for the cancellation of deposit accounts, available media and banking.
  • case of funds transfer orders, institutions may not charge different fees depending on the amount of transfers that were requested by customers.

The foregoing provisions for financial institutions to determine fees charged for services actually rendered and collection mechanisms they are more clear and transparent, benefit of users.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rc Helicopter Sales In Mumbai Stores

by IMSS-Unidad-

Last week, heavy rain fell and I got to the bathroom to strength! which severely impacted my health, apparently affecting some of my ears, creating an infection, inflammation and pain ... but above all MUCH PAIN! reason I had to visit the emergency room of the IMSS, paradoxically I like to see the series of Dr. House, but not me in the least like being in a hospital, much less when I check the doctor and determine some painkillers and antibiotics which I was to be injected, to see the mega syringes felt some fear for the pain that often cause, I asked the nurse if I was all that liquid to inject what he smiled and said, if you do you inject it a Bolota in the arm, do not worry, I'll put in the vein, put your arm here and opens and closes the hand!, bone reassure me that for nothing ...

wanted both to avoid this shot I thought of running away and putting up with pain, but in the end I was strong and support the "Nips" and thanks to this and I feel much better. Now

IMSS unit Mezcalez gave me a quick service and quality, hopefully we could say that of all public hospitals that exist in our country, and you you think of the services of IMSS, leave me your comments or anecdotes

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dog's Nose Is Dry And Has White Spots On It

Mezcalez Jokes Cuban-Teo González-

A good summary of this excellent comedian jokes about Mexicans, who enjoy them!

Can Thrush Have A Yellow Coating

Yesterday staff nayarit health secretary showed up at the offices of the company for a vaccination to all staff, I got me two shots, one in each what's left arm disabled all afternoon je je je and for that I created here is my certificate of vaccination to the "Mexican"

Sent from my BlackBerry ® Mobile Office

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Robaxin How Long It Stays In Your System

Vaccination Week 5 pesos commemorative coins alluding to figures of the revolution, Alvaro Obregon

Sonoran Revolutionary
whose talents military made him the most important military arm of Constitutionalism. Both excelled in their fight against federal forces and against the conventions, when he defeated at El Bajio in the Northern Division of Francisco Villa. His radicalism he had with Carranza's moderate positions and led him to adopt the Plan of Agua Prieta against the First Chief of the Constitutionalist. He was president of Mexico from 1920 to 1924, during his agrarianism promoted the formation of labor organizations, gained international recognition of the new regime and initiated the implementation of the anticlerical provisions of the Constitution. In 1828, he tried to become president Republic again, but was assassinated by a religious fanatic. With Obregon began construction Contemporary Mexico and the regime emerged from the Mexican Revolution.

was put into service in 2008, Banxico

Back Pain Under Left Shoulder Blade And The Heart

5 pesos commemorative coins allusions to heroes of Independence - Mariano Matamoros-

Cleric supporter of the insurgency and he was taken prisoner by the colonial government in the early of the struggle. In 1811 he escaped from prison and joined the insurgent forces in Morelos. Soon military showed his worth in battle Cuautla, Izucar and Oaxaca, among others. Captured in the attempt to take Valladolid, was shot in February 1814. Along Galeana, Matamoros was the most prominent official of Morelos.
was put into service in 2008, Banco de Mexico source

Headphonesand Brain Cancer

Combi flirtatious - Bride of Herbie? -

Walking I found this pretty combi which was amended by the ingenuity Mexican and I am sure became the biggest flirt combination of Mexico, or perhaps already had seen anything like it, we can only get the phone of Herbie the Beetle the film to get to know and see what happens
Sent from my BlackBerry ® Mobile Office

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tundra For Sale Skidoo

Interior of Medina

For those unfamiliar with that transport Medina is a picture of the inside to see what they are comfortable and modern units!

Sent from my BlackBerry ® Mobile Office

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Allowances Requestletter

Walmart Nuevo Vallarta-Opening in Bahia de Banderas,

Well after such a long wait to go spend our money a store nearest Walmart because before this the closest was in the Navy in Puerto Vallarta, today September 29, 2009 opened its doors for buyers happy new Walmart store called "Bay of Flags," though in my but it should be called "Nuevo Vallarta" for being Pegaditas to this area, with details yet to fix, a complete parking and endless slope in the store (not yet used ATMs) by the way I saw only one of Bancomer and one of HSBC hopefully soon have all the "brands" in the picture below you can see the crisis in its sheer splendor, if clear =)

So as you can imagine that daily sales will be very well for this branch also without considering that tomorrow is two weeks.

At the moment the parking space leaves something to be desired but hopefully that will soon be able to enjoy this store at 100% and that they can spend it at 200%.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How I Can Reset My Lock For Vip Suitcase

tickets to commemorate the centenary and bicentenary-new $ 100 and $ 200 -

For people who like to hoard things even when we go against what people tell us and sometimes even make fun of us to save something as they never take courage, for they know not how mistaken they are, but for us Now there is another currency interesting, well I think I have to say a paper currency, the already famous new $ 100 and $ 200 that I have not seen in person but next Monday I'll go ask if they have to get them and save them, do you already have them?

"Calderón believes that will help bring citizens to the history of Mexico

Accompanied by the Governor of the Bank Mexico, Guillermo Ortiz , President Felipe Calderón presented Bicentennial commemorative tickets Independence and the Centennial of the Revolution.

The Bank of Mexico (Banxico) today put into circulation 50 million 200 pesos banknotes commemorating the Bicentennial of Independence and 50 million 100 pesos to celebrate the centenary of the Mexican Revolution . "

See full story in the Reporter

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Shaving During Herpes Outbreak


What Kind Of Weave Does Loran London Have?


Buenos Aires, September 10, 2009
BO: 09/15/2009

Taxation procedure. Billing and registration. Issuance of vouchers scheme using fiscal control. DGI 4104 Gen. Res. Standard amended and supplemented.

Section 1 - Amend the General Resolution 4104 DGI, text replaced by the AFIP General Resolution 259/98, as amended and supplemented, as follows:

1. Hereby replaced pt. 3 of section D of Div. V of Annex I by the following:

"3. Other requirements:

If eventual failure, disconnection, or saturation of memory tax, this should be detected by the controller indicated by the Prosecutor and an appropriate message. Fiscal Controller should not allow the registration of operations until the operation is not carried out accordingly. Verified the saturation of the fiscal memory should be allowed to read it.

fiscal memory must be covered and adhered to the inside of the unit with epoxy resin so as to prevent their removal without leaving evidence of it.

setting is supported fiscal memory, which in all cases shall be coated with epoxy to the inside of the Comptroller of Public Prosecutions or immovable component for its structure, securing with welded elements to the mounting base. These elements and the mounting base shall be of the same material, having recorded welding identificatory union with the seal of the original manufacturer or supplier. Must submit plans and photographs of those stamps.

fiscal memory must not be altered or deleted during normal operation when subjected for ten minutes at an intensity of radiation of fifteen watts per square centimeter wavelength of '2537 A 'test under the conditions laid down by the general resolution.

must be equipped with protection devices to prevent damage from surges.

fiscal memory module must be a solid block of epoxy resin which should be available within the fiscal memory itself. Within this block of resin may include, in addition to the fiscal memory, some passive components and / or some type integrated driver (drivers) as the only exception.

requirements listed above may be supplemented by using a memory type OTP EPROM with encapsulated type without erasing window, whose inclusion will be considered as mandatory from January 2, 2010.

The design of fiscal memory module will allow reading / s memory / s tax / s lectograbador with a standard EPROM type memory. For this reading is supported using a passive adapter module connector to the socket lectograbador MF Eprom. This adapter must be submitted along with three prototypes of the model to be tested.

The receptacle which holds the fiscal memory to fill it with epoxy shall provide projections or form will be such as to avoid removing the memory block without causing rupture of the vessel.

The method used in recording the amounts in the fiscal memory must be, by reverse logic, so that each write involves an increase in the value thereof. "

2. Hereby replaced the second paragraph pt. I, Div. VI of Annex I by the following:

"The fiscal printer is connected to a personal computer, a scale or other input device through a serial communications channel, according to the standard RS-232C connectors admitted DB -25, DB-9 and RJ-45, or rule 'Universal Serial Bus (USB). " In addition, possess the gate of RS-232C DB-9 female connector for electronic data collection. "

A. High of equipment and modifying data as of 14 September 2009

Section 2 - Starting on September 14, 2009 all taxpayers and responsible must request the approval of tax audits, according to the procedure for each case were as follows:

a) For the higher of the facilities, as well as data modifications, will be accessed only through the web site of the Federal Administration (http://www.afip.gob.ar) and enter the service "Management of tax audits" by using the Key Fiscal obtained under the procedure established by General Resolution AFIP 2.239/07 , its amendments and complementary.

As evidence of the presentation and accepted the system will issue a voucher which will have character Acknowledgement.

In case of a fiscal printer, such records can not be displayed until there is compliance with the procedure laid down in inc. b) of this article.

b) For fiscal printers rating: professional systems, responsible for the adaptation or design and development of programming the computer system for issuing receipts, and the user or the person lawfully exercising their representation, should access the corporate website and enter the service "Management of tax audits, to declare that the application program is adapted to issue vouchers, in accordance with the requirements established by this, noting that the billing system only allows the issuance of tax receipts by the "Driver Fiscal reported.

c) The authorization for the use of "Fiscal Controller" will be made only by authorized by the supplier, using the initialization procedure defined in Art. P, Ch. III, Annex I of the General Resolution 4104 DGI, text replaced by the AFIP General Resolution 259/98, as amended and supplemented, within thirty calendar days of the equipment delivered.

Section 3 - Drivers "Prosecutors" shall be identified by laying-in-visible on the computer or near the place of location of the records generated through the "management of tax audits."

Article 4 - Taxpayers and responsible to report within two administrative days, according to the procedure inc. a) Art. 2, the occurrence of the following facts:

a) Change of business address. This change does not involve modifying the code point of sale.

b) Changing the computer system.

c) Any other modification of the data originally entered, except the unique key ID Tax (CUIT), user and point of sale "Fiscal Controller."

Article 5 - Statements made and admitted the presentation referred to the inc. a) Art. 2, obtained through the "Drivers Fiscal Management," will involve the automatic and permanent reversal of all mechanical, electromechanical, electronic or computerized issuing of receipts, qualified for that location prior to the effective date of this standard.

As indicated in the preceding paragraph shall not extend to the teams for which he had applied for re-registration in accordance with the rules set forth in Chap. C, or modify, as appropriate, the application of billing and registration standards established by the Resolution force Gen. AFIP 100/98, 1.361/02, 1.415/03, 1.575/03 and 2.485/08, their amended and supplemented.

B. Companies providing

Article 6 - The suppliers of equipment called "Drivers Tax" in order to register with the Registrar of Companies Providers must declare the data for pts. 1 to 5 apart. A Cap. XIII of Annex I of the General Resolution 4104 DGI, text replaced by the AFIP General Resolution 259/98, as amended and supplemented, entering the service "Fiscal Management Drivers" available on the website (http://www.afip.gob.ar), using the Key Fiscal obtained under the procedure established by General Resolution AFIP 2.239/07, its amendment and complementary.

Detailed documentation on pts. 6 to 13 referred to in paragraph above shall be submitted Enclose, foliated and in the order described in the aforementioned paragraph. The records obtained from the applications available on the service mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall accompany the presentation folder in the "Working Group for monitoring and control - Drivers Tax."

The suppliers that are already registered voters must declare all existing data referred to those pts. 1 through 5 until the day September 13, 2009, inclusive.

7 - The suppliers should observe the following guidelines for the modification and update of information:

a) Any change in the information provided in pts. 1 to 5 apart. A Cap. XIII of Annex I of the General Resolution 4104 DGI, text replaced by the AFIP General Resolution 259/98, as amended and supplemented, shall be reported to the Federal Administration within five working days produced entering the service "Management of tax audits."

b) Any variation to occur in the data reported by the pt. 6 to 13 of section mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be notified in the "Working Group for monitoring and control - Drivers Prosecutors' together with the first monthly breakdown of this equipment is initialized after the conclusion of such changes.

C. Prosecutors re-registration

Drivers Section 8 - The taxpayers and persons liable for the use of tax audits and those who had opted for the use thereof by the presentation of F. statement Sworn 445 / E-manual-, re-registration should these facilities from September 14th until October 16th, 2009, inclusive.

Section 9 - For the purposes specified in the previous article, taxpayers and responsible to follow the procedure below:

a) The user accesses the website of the Federal Administration (http://www.afip . gov.ar) using the respective Fiscal Code obtained in accordance with the provisions of General Resolution AFIP 2.239/07, its amendments and complementary, entering the service "Management of tax audits" and selecting "Re-registration of tax audits."

b) The web service allows the reporting burden on time or in batches.

Within the manual application of aid available and the corresponding designs registration.

c) complete re-registration, the taxpayer must be printed in original and copy of proof of "re-registration of tax audits."

d) The original shall adhere to the relevant Tax Controller and the duplicate shall be filed in the "unique paper record" of it.

Article 10 - all those teams, drivers and printers-Tax which have not been re-registration, shall be disqualified from the day October 17, 2009, inclusive.

11 - Lack of compliance with the "re-registration" under art. 8 will result in the application of art. Gen. Res 3 of 4104 DGI, text replaced by the AFIP General Resolution 259/98, as amended and supplemented.

Article 12 - leave no effect on F. Affidavit 445 / E. No new submissions will be accepted through this form from the date indicated in the following article.

13 - The provisions of this will be effective from the date of its publication in the Gazette Official inclusive.

14 - By. DGR

What Markers To Use For Body Art


GENERAL RESOLUTION 74/09 (Province of Corrientes)
Corrientes, 10 September 2009

Corrientes Province. Gross income tax. Unified system of withholdings. Minimum values \u200b\u200bfor the scheme. Gen. Res DGR 165/00. Amendment.

Article 1 - replace the pto. 1 of art. Gen Res 9 DGR 165/00, of April 27, 2000, which reads as follows:

"Article 9 - shall not apply the system of withholding and / or perceptions the following cases:

a) When the total amount of transactions in the month is less than the sum of five hundred dollars ($ 500) with the same taxpayer. "

Section 2 - By.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Best Household Item Masterbate

74/09 (AFIP)

Fiscal Procedure. Implementation of a record of CBU-Uniforms-
Key Bank
SUMMARY: Created the Banking Codes Registration Rules, in order that all payments made by the Treasury in respect of refunds, rebates, refunds and other restitution schemes taxpayer funds, managers and managed, and to transferees of receivables under the Civil Code by the originating lenders funds, be made by bank transfer to the account stated in the registry.
refunds are excluded for self-employed and under-achievers monotributistas arts. 27 and 89 of the Monotributo regulatory regime, "the relief provided under the scheme of payment facilities permanently RG (AFIP) 1966 - and the easy payment schemes for debt until 31/08/2005-RG ( AFIP) 1967 and 2278 - as well as payments to foreign missions and Bank key Uniforms under General Resolution (AFIP) 1575.
Taxpayers must enter through the AFIP web service "Declaration of CBU for collections of source taxation, customs and Social Security-option registration / modification / consultation.
Subjects who have already informed the CBU must ratify it by this new procedure until 20/10/2009, as otherwise, the CBU will be terminated for the purpose of refund of funds.
These provisions are applicable since 21/9/2009, inclusive.

STANDARD DATE: 09/09/2009


AGENCY : Adm. Fed Revenue



Action (EMIS) 13325-36-2009 of this Federal Register, and


That for the purpose of streamlining the accreditation into account the amounts for tax assessments, customs and social security resources for returns, refunds, rebates and other payments, the Agency established a system of payment by bank transfer through of the Banking Code Uniform (CBU) declared by the taxpayer and / or managed, a solution which considerably reduced the time spent on the provision of such sums.

That on the basis of the experience and to extend and unify the aforementioned method of payment, it is advisable to enable its use by all refund schemes and funds available the creation of the "REGISTRATION KEY BANK UNIFORMS", which can be accessed through the service available on the web-building.

That, it seems appropriate to extend the cancellation procedure referred to by bank transfer through Uniform Banking Code (UBC), payments to grantees that are recipients of receivables under the Civil Code, by taxpayers / or managed funds originating creditors to repay.

have taken the action that will compete the Department of Law, Deputy Directors General for Legal Affairs, Financial Management, Monitoring, Collection, Taxpayer Services and Systems and Telecommunications and the General Tax Directorate, Customs and the Social Security Resources.

That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 7 of Decree 618 of July 10, 1997, as amended and its complementary.





Article 1 - Create the "REGISTRATION KEY BANK UNIFORMS" hereinafter referred to as " Record. "

Section 2 - All payments to be made by the Federal Administration, in repayments, refunds, rebates and other arrangements for the return of funds to taxpayers, managers and managed, as well as assignees that are recipients of receivables under the Civil Code by the taxpayer and others responsible for originating lenders to repay funds shall be made by bank transfer through the Banco de la Nacion Argentina, the account whose password Banking Uniform (CBU) was declared by them in the Register. "

also results achieved by the general provisions of this resolution to make payments the Agency in respect of loans made to taxpayers by banks under the provisions of Law 24402 and amendments.

the purposes indicated in the preceding paragraphs, the persons mentioned shall report to the Federal Administration, a Uniform Banking Code (UBC) in accordance with this, as prerequisite for the recovery of their claims.

Section 3 - Uniform Banking Code (UBC) declared shall correspond to a peso account owned by the creditor for payment, lodging in a bank authorized by the Central Bank of Argentina.

4 - The procedure of payment through Key Standard Bank (CBU) established in this resolution are typically not apply to:

a) The benefit provided by Title III of Law 25865, regulated by Article 89 of Decree 806 of June 23, 2004.

b) The refund referred to in Article 27 of Decree 806/2004.

c) bonus schemes set out in Article 19 of the General Resolution 1966, as amended and supplemented, in Article 17 of the General Resolution 1967, as amended and supplemented, and Article 22 of the 2278 general resolution, its amended and supplemented.

d) The provisions of resolution general 1575, as amended and supplemented.

e) Payments to foreign missions.


Article 5 - For the purpose of informing the Uniform Banking Code (UBC), the applicant must enter through the site "web" of the Agency (http:// / www.afip.gob.ar) delivers a "Declaration of CBU for collections of source taxation, customs and social security information option registration / modification / reference." To this end

be accessed using the "Fiscal Code" enabled Security level 3 or above, obtained by the procedure established by general resolution 2239, its amendments and complementary. This service, described as non-delegable, may only be used by the Administrator or Deputy Administrator of Foreign Relations defined in the resolution general.

In case of a joint venture (JV), shall inform the Banking Code Rules (CBU) for the Single Tax Identification Code (CUIT) from each of the components of the temporary union.


Article 6 - The Banking Code Uniform (CBU) informed, before being discharged will be checked by the Federal Administration, with information obtained in accordance with the procedure laid down in Chapter A of the General Resolution 2386 and its amendment, in order to verify the respective relationship "CUIT owner or co / CBU."

7 - Where you can not carry out the verification of the relationship "CUIT / CBU" banks "through the" e-window "- you get the file on a weekly basis for the entity and confirm or reject the relationship.

said service access to be made using the "Fiscal Code" Level Security enabled 3 or higher may be delegated to internal users, using the "Relationship Management" under the General Resolution 2239, its amendments and complementary.

The result will be forwarded to the Agency through "Internet", entering the service "Declaration of CBU for collections of source taxation, customs and social security confirmation option" within seventy-two (72) hours received the information.

Notwithstanding the procedure described above, banks should, where appropriate, submit the affidavit amending provisions of Chapter A general resolution 2386 and its amendment.

Failure to comply with the submission of the required information will result, as appropriate, the application of sanctions under current regulations.

Article 8 - Following completion of data validation indicated in previous articles, the Agency shall discharge the Uniform Banking Code (UBC) reported.

taxpayers, officers, administrators and assigns may consult the verification conducted by the Federal Administration, and the acceptance or rejection of the respective key, through the service "Declaration of CBU for collections home tax, customs and social security information option registration / modification / access, available on the "web" of this organism (http://www.afip. gob.ar), using the "Fiscal Code ", obtained in accordance with the procedure established by general resolution 2239, its amendments and complementary.


Article 9 - Taxpayers, responsible, administrators and assigns it had informed its Uniform Banking Code (UBC) prior to the effective date hereof, must ratify it by the procedure this general resolution, in THIRTY (30) calendar days from the effective date provided for in Article 10 except to be one of the cases mentioned in Article 4.

From the day following the end of the period referred to in the preceding paragraph will be terminated, for purposes of restitution fund raising, the Banking Code Uniform (CBU) of subjects who have not complied with provided herein. E-PROVISIONS

GENERAL Article 10 - The provisions of this resolution will be of general application from the fifth business day following its publication in the Official Gazette, inclusive.

11 - are omitted without effect, since the effective date stated in the previous article, the procedures related to the Banking Code information from the Uniform (CBU) set out in resolution 1036 and its complementary general, in Annex III of the resolution general 1921 and its amendment and Articles 26, 27 and 28 of the 2300 general resolution as amended and supplemented, regarding the reimbursement of the withholding in whole or in part.

Article 12 - By.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Clunking Noise On Shoulder When Turning

2675 General Resolution (AFIP) 2673 NRA

Social Security Resources. Self-employed. Contributions. New amounts. Effective

CONTENTS: Building an increase in the monthly contribution for self-employed destined for Social Security from 7.34% following the second application of the mobility index provided by law 26417.
The effect of this increase is due the month from September 2009, due in October 2009 - and beyond.
On the other hand, increased to $ 3,452.76 the income ceiling below which it may request the credit allocation from the personal contributions during a year admitted to the cancellation of those due in the period immediately following .

STANDARD DATE: 02/09/2009


AGENCY: Revenue Adm. Fed


National SEEN:

Action (EMIS) 15236-63-2009 of this Federal Register, and


Law 26417 established the mobility benefits under the current Social Security System-Integrated Public Argentine Pension (SIPA), as L. 26425 - granted under Law 24241 and its amendments, general schemes before it, special schemes for the ex repealed or boxes or provincial and municipal institutes of foresight whose schemes were transferred to the nation.

That, provided that both those benefits as income reference under Article 8 of Law 24241 and its modifications for the calculation of the self-employed contributions will be adjusted every six months by applying the rate of mobility established by Article 32 of the Act, prepared and approved by the National Social Security.

That through Resolution 6 of 25 February 2009 the Social Security Department issued the regulations of Law 26417, defining dates apply its provisions and the scope of the mobility provided for Argentine Integrated Retirement System.

That by Resolution 65 of August 21 2009, the National Social Security set the value of mobility, under Article 32 of Law 24241 and its amendments, in SEVEN THIRTY-FOUR PERCENT (7.34%) to be applied to benefits pension that would have been earned or accrued as of August 2009 and determined to have at least EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY PESOS WITH TWENTY CENTS ($ 827.23) effective from the month of September 2009.

That, in turn, established the minimum and maximum assessment bases set forth in the first paragraph of Article 9 of Law 24241 and its amendments, according to the law text 26222 in the sum of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN PESOS WITH SEVENTY-FOUR CENTS ($ 287.74) and NINE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS AND THIRTY CENTS ($ 9,351.30), respectively, from the period due September 2009.

That, in view of the foregoing, it is to adapt the provisions concerning the assessment and payment of contributions and earmarked contributions to the various subsystems of the social security and income of the self-employed contributions.

have taken the action that will compete the Department of Law, Deputy Directors General for Legal Affairs, Legal Technical Resources Social Security, Operational Coordination of Security Resources Social, Revenue and the Directorate General of Social Security Resources.

That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 7 of Decree 618 of July 10, 1997, as amended and its complementary.




Article 1 - In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of Law 26417, resolution 6 / 2009 of the Secretariat Social Security and resolution 65/2009 of the National Administration of Social Security, the new values \u200b\u200bof the reference income is set out in Article 8 Law 24241 and its amendments for the calculation of pension contributions for the self employed are set out hereafter: Revenue Categories

pesos Reference
II 479.55 671.37 959.11

III IV 1534.57 2110.03

V Section 2 - The new amounts of social security contributions of the self governed from the monthly payment obligation due for the period September 2009-due in October 2009 - et seq.

These amounts are reflected in Annex III of the General Resolution 2217, its amendments and complementary, as replaced by the present text.

Article 3 - Amend the General Resolution 2217, its amendments and complementary, in the manner indicated below:

a) is hereby replaced in the first paragraph of Article 19, the term "THREE HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND PESOS AND SIXTY SIX CENTS ($ 3,216.66) ", the term" THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY TWO PESOS AND SEVENTY-SIX CENTS ($ 3,452.76). "

b) is hereby replaced in subparagraph a) of Article 20, the term "THREE HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND PESOS AND SIXTY-SIX CENTS ($ 3,216.66) ", the term" THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY TWO PESOS AND SEVENTY-SIX CENTS ($ 3,452.76). "

c) Article 28 is hereby replaced by the following:

"Art 28 - The contribution of personal income earned in the period following September 2009 and was made in response to the magazine categories and amounts listed in Annex III of this. "

d) Annex III is hereby replaced on the is contained in Annex I to the present.

Article 4 - In accordance with the provisions of resolution 65/2009 of the National Administration of Social Security, the minimum and maximum the tax base for calculating contributions and contributions to the Integrated Social Security System of Argentina, established by Article 9 of Law 24241 and its amendments, text replaced by Article 1 of Law 26222, fixing of the month from September due 2009 in the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR PESOS AND SEVENTY CENTS ($ 287.74) and NINE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS AND THIRTY CENTS ($ 9,351.30), respectively.

Consequently, for monthly wages earned for the periods September 2009 and following, shall apply the maximum taxable income, for each case listed in Annex II to the present.

Article 5 - In order to reconcile the new values \u200b\u200bof the categories of self-employed scheme with existing schemes, are set forth in Annex III of this reference income and the amount of contributions that correspond to the Modules expressed Pension (MOPRE) by resolution 27/2007 of the Ministry of Social Security.

Article 6 - Apruébanse Annexes I, II and III as part of this general resolution.

7 - By.



A) workers' monthly contributions

autonomous categories
I Amount in pesos 153.46 214.84

306.91 491.06 675.20

B) monthly contributions for self-employed engaged in arduous or hazardous activities to they have an insurance scheme

differential amount in pesos categories
I '(I raw) 167.85
II' (II premium) 234.98
III '(III premium) 335.68
IV' (IV prime) 537.10
V '(V prime) 738.50

C) voluntary Affiliations Categories

Amount 153.46 pesos

D) Under 21 categories

Amount 153.46 pesos

E) Recipients of pension benefits granted under the Law 24241 and its amendments, to enter, reenter or remain in the autonomous activity

Categories Amount 129.48 pesos

F) housewives who opt for the reduced contribution provided by law
24828 Amount
I 52.75 pesos ANNEX II


Highest Since 01/07/2009
Contributions to: Integrated Pension System Argentine Law 24241 and its amendments. (*) Institute for Retirees and Pensioners, Law 19032, as amended. National System of Social Work, Law 23660 and its amendments. Regimen National Health Insurance Act and its amendments 23661 ......$ 9351.30

Risk Assessments Labour Law, Law 24557, as amended ......$ 9351.30

Contributions : Argentine Integrated Retirement System, Law 24241 and its amendments. Institute for Retirees and Pensioners, 19032, as amended. National System of Social Work, Law 23660 and its amendments. National System of Health Insurance, Law 23661, as amended. National Employment Fund, Law 24013 and its amendments. Family Allowance Scheme, Law 24714, as amended ...... no ceiling

(*) In the case of special arrangements in the laws 24016, 24018, 22731 and 22929 and decrees 137/2005 and 160/2005, the calculation of contributions destined for the Argentine Integrated Retirement System shall be made without considering the threshold for taxable income. ANNEX III

A) monthly contributions for self-employed.

categories until February 2007
as resolution (SSS) 6 / 2009 and resolution (ANSES) 65/2009. Reference income in pesos

B 374.05 459.17
B '459.17 613.82

C C' D 613.82 918.34

D 'E 1533.36 918.34

E 'F
1533.36 2144.79 3065.53

G G' H
3065.53 4600.10 5754.63

I J 5754.63

amounts of categories until February 2007 in pesos

B 119.69 146.94
B '160.71 196.42

C C' D
214.83 293.87
D 'E 490.68 321.42

F 686.34 536.68 980.97

G G 'H
1072.93 1841.48 1472.03
J 1841, 48

B) Recipients of pension benefits granted under the Law 24241 and its amendments, which enter, reenter or continue to operate autonomously. Category

force until February 2007 by resolution

Compatibility (SSS) 6 / 2009 and resolution (ANSES) 65/2009. Reference income in pesos 374.05

A Category Amount in force until February 2007 in pesos

C) housewives who opt for the reduced contribution provided by law 24828. Category

force until February 2007 by resolution

Compatibility (SSS) 6 / 2009 and resolution (ANSES) 65/2009. Reference income in pesos 374.05

A Category Amount in force until February 2007 at 41.14 pesos